Commit 8152f3a5 authored by Łukasz Nowak's avatar Łukasz Nowak

Finalise skeleton (WIP).

Zeo driven configuration is capable to generate Zope connection strings. Handle
global Zope related keys.
parent db499a2d
......@@ -40,8 +40,6 @@ class Recipe(GenericSlapRecipe):
options['output'] = os.path.join(self.dirname,
def _generateRealTemplate(self):
# always one distribution node
# always one admin node
current_zeo_port = ZEO_PORT_BASE
current_zope_port = ZOPE_PORT_BASE
json_data = json.loads(self.parameter_dict['json'])
......@@ -49,9 +47,11 @@ class Recipe(GenericSlapRecipe):
# prepare zeo
output = ''
part_list = []
zope_connection_dict = {}
snippet_zeo = open(self.options['snippet-zeo']).read()
for zeo_id, zeo_configuration in json_data['zeo'].iteritems():
current_zeo_port += 1
output += open(self.options['snippet-zeo']).read() % dict(
output += snippet_zeo % dict(
storage_list=' '.join([str(q['zodb']) for q in zeo_configuration])
......@@ -60,6 +60,34 @@ class Recipe(GenericSlapRecipe):
"zeo-instance-%s" % zeo_id,
"logrotate-entry-zeo-%s" % zeo_id
for zeo_slave in zeo_configuration:
zope_connection_dict[zeo_slave['zodb']] = {
'zope-cache-size': zeo_slave['zope-cache-size'],
'zeo-cache-size': zeo_slave['zeo-cache-size'],
'mount-point': zeo_slave['mount-point'] % {'site-id': site_id},
'storage': zeo_slave['zodb'],
'name': zeo_slave['zodb'],
'server': '${zeo-instance-%(zeo-id)s:ip}:${zeo-instance-%(zeo-id)s:port}' % {'zeo-id': zeo_id}
# always one distribution node
snippet_zope = open(self.options['snippet-zope']).read()
output += snippet_zope % zope_connection_dict
# always one admin node
output += snippet_zope % zope_connection_dict
# handle activity key
for q in range(1, json_data['activity']['zopecount'] + 1):
part_name = 'zope-activity-%s' % q
output += snippet_zope % zope_connection_dict
# handle backend key
for backend_type, backend_configuration in json_data['backend'].iteritems():
for q in range(1, backend_configuration['zopecount'] + 1):
part_name = 'zope-%s-%s' % (backend_type, q)
output += snippet_zope % zope_connection_dict
prepend = open(self.options['snippet-master']).read() % dict(
part_list=' \n'.join([' '+q for q in part_list]))
output = prepend + output
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