Commit 88335eb9 authored by Thomas Gambier's avatar Thomas Gambier 🚴🏼

component/firewalld: fix compilation on OBS

OBS system is using user "abuild" to build the package rendering the
compilation broken.

Simply accept the 2 last commands to fail on Theia.
parent 926b014a
Pipeline #27316 failed with stage
......@@ -117,6 +117,7 @@ python = ${buildout:bin-directory}/${firewalld-eggs:interpreter}
stop-on-error = True
command =
set -e
set -x
sed -i 's#python3#${:python}#' ${firewalld:location}/bin/firewall-applet
sed -i 's#python3#${:python}#' ${firewalld:location}/bin/firewall-cmd
sed -i 's#python3#${:python}#' ${firewalld:location}/bin/firewall-config
......@@ -139,10 +140,9 @@ command =
echo -n '#!/bin/sh\nLD_LIBRARY_PATH=${nftables:location}/lib exec ${firewalld:location}/${firewalld:sbin-dir}/firewalld "$@"' > ${firewalld:location}/sbin/firewalld
chmod a+x ${firewalld:location}/sbin/firewalld
# no need to patch dbus if not in top level compilation
[ "$(stat -c '%U' ${dbus:location}/share/dbus-1/system.conf)" = "slapsoft" ] || exit 0
sed -i 's#<user>messagebus</user>#<user>slapsoft</user>#' ${dbus:location}/share/dbus-1/system.conf
cp -f ${firewalld:location}/share/dbus-1/system.d/FirewallD.conf ${dbus:location}/share/dbus-1/system.d/
# the following 2 commands may fail in a Theia environment because we don't have write permission on a shared folder
sed -i 's#<user>messagebus</user>#<user>slapsoft</user>#' ${dbus:location}/share/dbus-1/system.conf || true
cp -f ${firewalld:location}/share/dbus-1/system.d/FirewallD.conf ${dbus:location}/share/dbus-1/system.d/ || true
update-command = ${:command}
stop-on-error = true
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