Commit 9bc09581 authored by Alain Takoudjou's avatar Alain Takoudjou

replication-manager cleanup

parent fc87834c
...@@ -14,11 +14,12 @@ buildflags = -v --tags server --ldflags "-extldflags 'static' -w -s -X main.GoO ...@@ -14,11 +14,12 @@ buildflags = -v --tags server --ldflags "-extldflags 'static' -w -s -X main.GoO
depends_gitfetch = depends_gitfetch =
${git.signal18.io_signal18_repman:recipe} ${git.signal18.io_signal18_repman:recipe}
command = . ${} && command = set -e
cd ${git.signal18.io_signal18_repman:location} && . ${}
export GO111MODULE=on && cd ${git.signal18.io_signal18_repman:location}
export FULLVERSION=$(git describe --tags) && export GO111MODULE=on
go build ${gowork:buildflags} -o ${gowork:bin}/replication-manager && export FULLVERSION=$(git describe --tags)
go build ${gowork:buildflags} -o ${gowork:bin}/replication-manager
chmod -R u+w . chmod -R u+w .
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