Commit 9c6bdd9e authored by Ophélie Gagnard's avatar Ophélie Gagnard

software/mca/: Add new software.

parent 52e760f3
# This is part of the OCEAN project.
# MCA stands for Metadata Collect Agent
extends =
parts =
# Using "./make.bash" instead of "./all.bash" disables golang tests. Some of these tests attempt to use the network, which fails on OBS' VM.
# A less radical way to fix the issue may be investigated in the future.
make-targets = cd src && unset GOBIN && ./make.bash && cp -alf .. ${:location}
post-install =
${findutils:location}/bin/find ${:location}/src -type d -name testdata -exec rm -rf {} \; || true
# This line relocates the golang cached modules directory so that the modules are sent to OBS along with the code to compile.
${:location}/bin/go env -w GOPATH=${buildout:directory}/go
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