Commit b628ea13 authored by Levin Zimmermann's avatar Levin Zimmermann

Revert "stack/erp5: Fix NEO URL formatting for WCFS"

This reverts commit 0cf70a6e.

NEOgo and NEOpy diverged regarding the NEO zurl format. Due to NEOgo
changes in NEOgo 0cf70a6e was necessary.
However in neoppod!18 and
neoppod!21 a common
zurl format for NEOgo and NEOpy was agreed on. Therefore most changes of
0cf70a6e are no
longer necessary. We still need the difference between 'neo' (without
SSL) and 'neos' (with SSL), but we'll re-introduce this in the next

This revert keeps the changes made in 6fa1d9ae as this is still
parent a2248e25
......@@ -102,4 +102,4 @@ md5sum = 5cf0316fdd17a940031e4083bbededd8
filename =
md5sum = a495f84194a46c585b89947f8bc7d754
md5sum = 36a5adc0fb9756836ee31def4084a088
{# instance that runs WCFS service associated with ZODB storage #}
{% from "instance_zodb_base" import zodb_dict with context %}
{# q(text) returns urllib.quote_plus(text) #}
{% macro q(text) %}{{ urllib_parse.quote_plus(text) }}{% endmacro %}
{# build zurl to connect to configured ZODB #}
{% if len(zodb_dict) != 1 -%}
......@@ -14,18 +12,15 @@
{% if zodb['type'] == 'zeo' -%}
{% set zurl = ('zeo://%s?storage=%s' % (z['server'], z['storage'])) -%}
{% elif zodb['type'] == 'neo' -%}
{# neo(s)://[credentials@]master1,master2,...,masterN/name?options #}
{# (see #}
{# If 'ca' in storage-dict, ssl is true. #}
{# (see #}
{% if "ca" in z -%}
{# ca=ca.crt;cert=my.crt;key=my.key (see #}
{% set zurl = 'neos://ca=%s;cert=%s;key=%s@' % (q(z.pop("ca")), q(z.pop("cert")), q(z.pop("key"))) -%}
{% else -%}
{% set zurl = 'neo://' -%}
{% set zurl = ('neo://%s@%s' % (z.pop('name'), z.pop('master_nodes')|replace(" ", ","))) -%}
{% set argv = [] -%}
{% set i = 0 -%}
{% for k,v in z|dictsort -%}
{% do argv.append('%s=%s' % (k,v)) -%}
{% endfor -%}
{% if len(argv) > 0 -%}
{% set zurl = zurl + '&' + '?'.join(argv) -%}
{% endif -%}
{% set zurl = ('%s%s/%s' % (zurl, z.pop('master_nodes')|replace(" ", ","), z.pop('name'))) -%}
{% set zurl = zurl + '?' + (z | dictsort | urlencode) -%}
{% else -%}
{% do assert(False, ("unsupported ZODB type", zodb)) -%}
{% endif -%}
......@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ md5sum = b95084ae9eed95a68eada45e28ef0c04
filename =
md5sum = ca0cb83950dd9079cc289891cce08e76
md5sum = a2a239851b5868b0f4f56a0d2fb512d7
filename =
......@@ -102,4 +102,4 @@ md5sum = 5cf0316fdd17a940031e4083bbededd8
filename =
md5sum = a495f84194a46c585b89947f8bc7d754
md5sum = 36a5adc0fb9756836ee31def4084a088
{# instance that runs WCFS service associated with ZODB storage #}
{% from "instance_zodb_base" import zodb_dict with context %}
{# q(text) returns urllib.quote_plus(text) #}
{% macro q(text) %}{{ urllib_parse.quote_plus(text) }}{% endmacro %}
{# build zurl to connect to configured ZODB #}
{% if len(zodb_dict) != 1 -%}
......@@ -14,18 +12,15 @@
{% if zodb['type'] == 'zeo' -%}
{% set zurl = ('zeo://%s?storage=%s' % (z['server'], z['storage'])) -%}
{% elif zodb['type'] == 'neo' -%}
{# neo(s)://[credentials@]master1,master2,...,masterN/name?options #}
{# (see #}
{# If 'ca' in storage-dict, ssl is true. #}
{# (see #}
{% if "ca" in z -%}
{# ca=ca.crt;cert=my.crt;key=my.key (see #}
{% set zurl = 'neos://ca=%s;cert=%s;key=%s@' % (q(z.pop("ca")), q(z.pop("cert")), q(z.pop("key"))) -%}
{% else -%}
{% set zurl = 'neo://' -%}
{% set zurl = ('neo://%s@%s' % (z.pop('name'), z.pop('master_nodes')|replace(" ", ","))) -%}
{% set argv = [] -%}
{% set i = 0 -%}
{% for k,v in z|dictsort -%}
{% do argv.append('%s=%s' % (k,v)) -%}
{% endfor -%}
{% if len(argv) > 0 -%}
{% set zurl = zurl + '&' + '?'.join(argv) -%}
{% endif -%}
{% set zurl = ('%s%s/%s' % (zurl, z.pop('master_nodes')|replace(" ", ","), z.pop('name'))) -%}
{% set zurl = zurl + '?' + (z | dictsort | urlencode) -%}
{% else -%}
{% do assert(False, ("unsupported ZODB type", zodb)) -%}
{% endif -%}
......@@ -222,7 +222,6 @@ url = {{ instance_wcfs_cfg_in }}
filename = instance_wcfs.cfg
extra-context =
section parameter_dict dynamic-template-zope-parameters
import urllib_parse six.moves.urllib.parse
import-list =
file instance_zodb_base context:template-zodb-base
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