Commit bb841a7b authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin

random: expose hashed passwords in recipe options

Directly expose all passlib.hash supported hashes, using a `passwd-`
prefix. For example, to access `sha256_crypt`, use `passwd-sha256-crypt`
option name.

  recipe = slapos.cookbook:generate.password

  hashed-password = ${secret:passwd-sha256-crypt}

This changes the format of storage-path, it used to be the password in
plain text, it is now a mapping also containing hashed passwords, to
have the same hashed passwords for each buildout run.

This needs collaboration from publish_early recipe, because .pop(k) does
raised a KeyError with the dict.__missing__  approach.
parent 00ebaac8
Pipeline #32290 failed with stage
......@@ -72,6 +72,8 @@ setup(name=name,
'zc.buildout', # plays with buildout
'zc.recipe.egg', # for scripts generation
'pytz', # for timezone database
......@@ -131,7 +131,9 @@ class Recipe(GenericSlapRecipe):
new = {}
for k, v in six.iteritems(init):
options[k] = publish_dict[k] = new[v] = init_section.pop(v)
init_section_value = init_section[v]
options[k] = publish_dict[k] = new[v] = init_section_value
del init_section[v]
except KeyError:
if new != override:
......@@ -33,12 +33,16 @@ buildout Software Releases and Instances developments.
from __future__ import absolute_import
import errno
import json
import os
import random
import string
import sys
from .librecipe import GenericBaseRecipe
from .publish_early import volatileOptions
from slapos.util import str2bytes
import passlib.hash
class Integer(object):
......@@ -113,7 +117,7 @@ def generatePassword(length):
class Password(object):
"""Generate a password that is only composed of lowercase letters
"""Generate a password.
This recipe only makes sure that ${:passwd} does not end up in `.installed`
file, which is world-readable by default. So be careful not to spread it
......@@ -128,6 +132,11 @@ class Password(object):
- create-once: boolean value which set if storage-path won't be modified
as soon the file is created with the password (not empty).
(default: True)
- passwd: the generated password. Can also be set, to reuse the password
hashing capabilities.
- passwd-*: the hashed password, using schemes supported by passlib.
for example, passwd-sha256-crypt will expose the password hashed
with sha256 crypt algorithm.
If storage-path is empty, the recipe does not save the password, which is
fine it is saved by other means, e.g. using the publish-early recipe.
......@@ -141,24 +150,53 @@ class Password(object):
except KeyError:
self.storage_path = options['storage-path'] = os.path.join(
buildout['buildout']['parts-directory'], name)
passwd = options.get('passwd')
if not passwd:
passwd_dict = {
'': options.get('passwd')
if not passwd_dict['']:
if self.storage_path:
self._needs_migration = False
with open(self.storage_path) as f:
passwd ='\n')
content ='\n')
# new format: the file contains password and hashes in json format
passwd_dict = json.loads(content)
if sys.version_info < (3, ):
passwd_dict = {k: v.encode() for k, v in passwd_dict.items()}
except ValueError:
# old format: the file only contains the password in plain text
passwd_dict[''] = content
self._needs_migration = True
except IOError as e:
if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
if not passwd:
passwd = self.generatePassword(int(options.get('bytes', '16')))
if not passwd_dict['']:
passwd_dict[''] = self.generatePassword(int(options.get('bytes', '16')))
self.update = self.install
options['passwd'] = passwd
options['passwd'] = passwd_dict['']
class HashedPasswordDict(dict):
def __missing__(self, key):
if not key.startswith('passwd-'):
raise KeyError(key)
if key in passwd_dict:
return passwd_dict[key]
handler = getattr(
passlib.hash, key[len('passwd-'):].replace('-', '_'), None)
if handler is None:
raise KeyError(key)
hashed = handler.hash(passwd_dict[''])
passwd_dict[key] = hashed
return hashed
options._data = HashedPasswordDict(options._data)
# Password must not go into .installed file, for 2 reasons:
# security of course but also to prevent buildout to always reinstall.
# publish_early already does it, but this recipe may also be used alone.
volatileOptions(options, ('passwd',))
self.passwd = passwd
self.passwd_dict = passwd_dict
generatePassword = staticmethod(generatePassword)
......@@ -167,19 +205,14 @@ class Password(object):
# The following 2 lines are just an optimization to avoid recreating
# the file with the same content.
if self.create_once and os.stat(self.storage_path).st_size:
if self.create_once and os.stat(self.storage_path).st_size and not self._needs_migration:
except OSError as e:
if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
fd =,
os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL | os.O_WRONLY | os.O_TRUNC, 0o600)
os.write(fd, str2bytes(self.passwd))
with open(self.storage_path, 'w') as f:
json.dump(self.passwd_dict, f)
if not self.create_once:
return self.storage_path
import json
import os
import shutil
import tempfile
import unittest
import zc.buildout.testing
import zc.buildout.buildout
import passlib.hash
from slapos.recipe import random
class TestPassword(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.buildout = zc.buildout.testing.Buildout()
parts_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp()
self.buildout['buildout']['parts-directory'] = parts_directory
self.addCleanup(shutil.rmtree, parts_directory)
def _makeRecipe(self, options, section_name="random"):
self.buildout[section_name] = options
recipe = random.Password(
self.buildout, section_name, self.buildout[section_name]
return recipe
def test_empty_options(self):
recipe = self._makeRecipe({})
passwd = self.buildout["random"]["passwd"]
self.assertEqual(len(passwd), 16)
with open(self.buildout["random"]["storage-path"]) as f:
self.assertEqual(json.load(f), {'': passwd})
def test_storage_path(self):
tf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
passwd = self.buildout["random"]["passwd"]
self.assertEqual(len(passwd), 16)
with open( as f:
self.assertEqual(json.load(f), {'': passwd})
self._makeRecipe({'storage-path':}, "another").install()
self.assertEqual(self.buildout["another"]["passwd"], passwd)
def test_storage_path_legacy_format(self):
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as tf:
passwd = self.buildout["random"]["passwd"]
self.assertEqual(passwd, 'secret')
with open( as f:
self.assertEqual(json.load(f), {'': 'secret'})
self._makeRecipe({'storage-path':}, "another").install()
self.assertEqual(self.buildout["another"]["passwd"], passwd)
def test_bytes(self):
self._makeRecipe({'bytes': '32'}).install()
passwd = self.buildout["random"]["passwd"]
self.assertEqual(len(passwd), 32)
with open(self.buildout["random"]["storage-path"]) as f:
self.assertEqual(json.load(f), {'': passwd})
def test_volatile(self):
options = self.buildout['random']
self.assertIn('passwd', options)
options_items = [(k, v) for k, v in options.items() if k != 'passwd']
copied_options = options.copy()
self.assertEqual(list(copied_options.items()), options_items)
def test_passlib(self):
recipe = self._makeRecipe({})
hashed = self.buildout['random']['passwd-sha256-crypt']
self.buildout['random']['passwd'], hashed))
hashed = self.buildout['random']['passwd-md5-crypt']
self.buildout['random']['passwd'], hashed))
hashed = self.buildout['random']['passwd-bcrypt']
self.buildout['random']['passwd'], hashed))
hashed = self.buildout['random']['passwd-ldap-salted-sha1']
self.buildout['random']['passwd'], hashed))
with self.assertRaises(zc.buildout.buildout.MissingOption):
with self.assertRaises(zc.buildout.buildout.MissingOption):
copied_options = self.buildout['random'].copy()
self.assertEqual(list(copied_options.keys()), ['storage-path'])
# when buildout runs again, the values are read from the storage
# and even the hashed values are the same
self._makeRecipe({'storage-path': self.buildout['random']['storage-path']}, 'reread')
# values are strings which is important for python2
self.assertIsInstance(self.buildout['reread']['passwd'], str)
self.assertIsInstance(self.buildout['reread']['passwd-ldap-salted-sha1'], str)
def test_passlib_input_passwd(self):
self._makeRecipe({'passwd': 'insecure'})
self.assertEqual(self.buildout['random']['passwd'], 'insecure')
hashed = self.buildout['random']['passwd-sha256-crypt']
self.assertTrue(passlib.hash.sha256_crypt.verify('insecure', hashed))
  • This commit is introducing the following error when passwd is set:

    [2024-10-18 14:35:57,397] INFO     slapos While:
    [2024-10-18 14:35:57,397] INFO     slapos   Installing switch_softwaretype.
    [2024-10-18 14:35:57,397] INFO     slapos   Installing monitor-htpasswd.
    [2024-10-18 14:35:57,397] INFO     slapos 
    [2024-10-18 14:35:57,397] INFO     slapos An internal error occurred due to a bug in either zc.buildout or in a
    [2024-10-18 14:35:57,397] INFO     slapos recipe being used:
    [2024-10-18 14:35:57,397] INFO     slapos Traceback (most recent call last):
    [2024-10-18 14:35:57,398] INFO     slapos   File "/opt/slapgrid/639c58b9c93e44c377060b1a1f618575/eggs/zc.buildout-3.0.1+slapos005-py3.9.egg/zc/buildout/", line 2664, in main
    [2024-10-18 14:35:57,398] INFO     slapos     getattr(buildout, command)(args)
    [2024-10-18 14:35:57,398] INFO     slapos   File "/opt/slapgrid/639c58b9c93e44c377060b1a1f618575/eggs/zc.buildout-3.0.1+slapos005-py3.9.egg/zc/buildout/", line 855, in install
    [2024-10-18 14:35:57,398] INFO     slapos     self._install_parts(install_args)
    [2024-10-18 14:35:57,398] INFO     slapos   File "/opt/slapgrid/639c58b9c93e44c377060b1a1f618575/eggs/zc.buildout-3.0.1+slapos005-py3.9.egg/zc/buildout/", line 1026, in _install_parts
    [2024-10-18 14:35:57,398] INFO     slapos     installed_files = self[part]._call(recipe.install)
    [2024-10-18 14:35:57,398] INFO     slapos   File "/opt/slapgrid/639c58b9c93e44c377060b1a1f618575/eggs/zc.buildout-3.0.1+slapos005-py3.9.egg/zc/buildout/", line 1948, in _call
    [2024-10-18 14:35:57,398] INFO     slapos     return f()
    [2024-10-18 14:35:57,398] INFO     slapos   File "/opt/slapgrid/639c58b9c93e44c377060b1a1f618575/eggs/slapos.cookbook-1.0.369-py3.9.egg/slapos/recipe/", line 122, in install
    [2024-10-18 14:35:57,399] INFO     slapos     sub_buildout.install([])
    [2024-10-18 14:35:57,399] INFO     slapos   File "/opt/slapgrid/639c58b9c93e44c377060b1a1f618575/eggs/zc.buildout-3.0.1+slapos005-py3.9.egg/zc/buildout/", line 855, in install[2024-10-18 14:35:57,399] INFO     slapos     self._install_parts(install_args)
    [2024-10-18 14:35:57,399] INFO     slapos   File "/opt/slapgrid/639c58b9c93e44c377060b1a1f618575/eggs/zc.buildout-3.0.1+slapos005-py3.9.egg/zc/buildout/", line 1026, in _install_parts
    [2024-10-18 14:35:57,399] INFO     slapos     installed_files = self[part]._call(recipe.install)
    [2024-10-18 14:35:57,399] INFO     slapos   File "/opt/slapgrid/639c58b9c93e44c377060b1a1f618575/eggs/zc.buildout-3.0.1+slapos005-py3.9.egg/zc/buildout/", line 1948, in _call
    [2024-10-18 14:35:57,399] INFO     slapos     return f()
    [2024-10-18 14:35:57,399] INFO     slapos   File "/opt/slapgrid/639c58b9c93e44c377060b1a1f618575/eggs/slapos.cookbook-1.0.369-py3.9.egg/slapos/recipe/", line 208, in install
    [2024-10-18 14:35:57,399] INFO     slapos     if self.create_once and os.stat(self.storage_path).st_size and not self._needs_migration:
    [2024-10-18 14:35:57,400] INFO     slapos AttributeError: 'Password' object has no attribute '_needs_migration'
  • This problem was with

    using publish-early with storage-path does not work here.

    I start to believe that this combination can also lead to this other problem we observe with partitions having different monitor passwords. I don't really have a full scenario, but because the password storage file is no longer updated if it has been generated, maybe there is a scenario where passwd is not an option a first time, a partition generates its storage file with a password it generates and during next buildout run, passwd is in option but storage file is not updated.

    I thought that maybe this does not happen in the test because unlike "slapos master", slap proxy always returns up to date connection parameters and always returns partitions right after requesting. I tried to run KVM resilient tests with a modified slapos proxy introducing delays a bit similar to slapos master, but it did not reproduce. I did not try all possible timing delays scenarios, I still feel that the difference of timings might be the reason why we don't see that password problems with slapos proxy.

    slapos proxy patch for test
    diff --git a/slapos/proxy/ b/slapos/proxy/
    index 19ce0af13..ee477d95b 100644
    --- a/slapos/proxy/
    +++ b/slapos/proxy/
    @@ -462,6 +468,14 @@ def supplySupply():
       return 'Supplied %r to be %s' % (url, state)
    +request_failures_by_partition_reference = {
    +  #'PBS (kvm / 1)': 2,
    +  'PBS pushing on kvm1': 2,
    +  'kvm0': 1,
    +  'kvm1': 3,
     @app.route('/requestComputerPartition', methods=['POST'])
     def requestComputerPartition():
       parsed_request_dict = parseRequestComputerPartitionForm(request.form)
    @@ -537,6 +552,18 @@ def requestComputerPartition():
           software_instance = requestSlave(**parsed_request_dict)
           software_instance = requestNotSlave(**parsed_request_dict)
    +    failures_left = request_failures_by_partition_reference.get(
    +      parsed_request_dict['partition_reference'],
    +      0)
    +    print(request_failures_by_partition_reference, slave, matching_partition['reference']
    +    , parsed_request_dict.get('partition_parameter_kw', {}).get('monitor-password'), 
    +    repr(parsed_request_dict['partition_reference']))
    +    #breakpoint()
    +    request_failures_by_partition_reference[
    +      parsed_request_dict['partition_reference']] = failures_left - 1
    +    if failures_left > 0:
    +      abort(503)
         # Instance is not yet allocated: try to do it.
         external_master_url = isRequestToBeForwardedToExternalMaster(parsed_request_dict)

    This is not the full patch I was trying, I also tried similar approach in other places ( code to emulate frontend requests or getFullComputerInformation )

  • mentioned in commit ca009301

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  • mentioned in merge request !1671 (merged)

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  • mentioned in commit 86045425

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  • mentioned in commit 280370c7

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