Commit e0497b81 authored by Łukasz Nowak's avatar Łukasz Nowak

Simplify login page.

Focus on social authentication, propose BrowserID as fallback.
parent 78b6d28e
......@@ -62,10 +62,11 @@
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> \n
<div class="field nolabel validate widthAuto forgotten_password" tal:define="facebook_login python: \'./login_with_facebook?came_from=\' + request.get(\'came_from\', \'\'); google_login python: \'./login_with_google?came_from=\' + request.get(\'came_from\', \'\')">\n
You can login with with <a href="./login_with_facebook"><img width="25px" src="./vifib_image/facebook_logo.png" alt="Facebook" title="Facebook"></a>,\n
with <a href="./login_with_google"><img src="./vifib_image/google_logo.png" alt="Google" title="Google"></a>, BrowserID \n
<a href="#" id="browserid" title="Sign-in with BrowserID"> <img src="./vifib_image/browser_id_logo.png" alt="Sign-in with BrowserID" title="Sign-in with BrowserID"></a>\n
<div class="field nolabel validate widthAuto forgotten_password center"><br/><br/>\n
If you have Google or Facebook accounts feel free to use any of them to signup<br/><br/>\n
<a class="zocial facebook" href="./login_with_facebook">Signup with Facebook</a> or \n
with <a class="zocial google" href="./login_with_google">Signup with Google</a><br/><br/>\n
You are not connected with social network? So then use BrowserID <a href="#" id="browserid" title="Sign-in with BrowserID"> <img src="./vifib_image/browser_id_logo.png" alt="Sign-in with BrowserID" title="Sign-in with BrowserID"></a>\n
<browserid id="browser_id_login" tal:attributes=\'value python: here.getWebSiteValue().login_with_browser_id.absolute_url()\'/>\n
<script type="text/javascript">\n
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