Commit e5687602 authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin

component/{firefox,phantomjs}: don't install fonts

Users will need to generate a proper fonts.conf and set it as
$FONTCONFIG_FILE environment variable.
parent 85c97192
......@@ -110,9 +110,6 @@ slapos_promise =
x86 =${:version}/linux-i686/en-US/firefox-${:version}.tar.bz2 ${:i686-md5sum}
x86-64 =${:version}/linux-x86_64/en-US/firefox-${:version}.tar.bz2 ${:x86_64-md5sum}
fonts =
library =
......@@ -10,10 +10,6 @@ recipe =
slapos_promise =
depends =
x86 = 9c1426eef5b04679d65198b1bdd6ef88
x86-64 = f278996c3edd0e8d8ec4893807f27d71
  • @romain this and !706 (merged) probably break jstestnode, but maybe it works when fonts are present system wide because it works on my testnode

  • should I install those components from the software profile?

  • No, a $FONTCONFIG_FILE is needed now. I will take a look if you want.

    I don't see how I can test this though, we could execute runTestSuite but I think it only works with a software distributor

  • In the case of ERP5, when ERP5 runs firefox it has $FONTCONFIG_FILE so it works (but I only tested ERP5 on my testnode where this works)

    FYI, my testnode where "it works" in reality does not work ;) there was another problem. On this testnode, the partition directory is a symlink and nginx does 404 because of the disable_symlinks we have on . What I did is create /srv/slappart11/srv, then move it to /data/srv_slappart11_srv and then symlink /srv/slappart11/srv -> /data/srv_slappart11_srv . I'm not sure we should support this, this setup is really hackish. I don't plan to change to support this, that's really for your information

  • !759 (merged) let's 🤞 for tests

  • for test, I configured an officejs test suite on that branch, if test pass there, it's OK.

  • mentioned in commit 6e11219d

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  • mentioned in merge request !762 (merged)

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  • mentioned in commit 986045b1

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  • mentioned in commit 8cc12eb3

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