slapconfiguration: returns also slapuser
Why not use the userinfo recipe ?
Simply because it was unknown to me and people to whom I talked about my need... First I wanted to create a new recipe, called something like "extra-partition-information", but I was told not to multiply the recipes.
Research Skill : 0. I'm gonna fix it.
Thanks, please also revert this commit, just to avoid information/implementation duplication.
Re-reading the doc of this recipe, I realise the intent may not be clear: the intent is not to contain all parameters of the partition (at least, that's not the intent I had when I implemented this recipe).
The intent was to just allow accessing whatever the master would make available to this partition as part of its "parameters".
I think it is not nice that the master is what gives us the IP list, which really belong to the partition: master should never need to even know these addresses to begin with. IPs should be provided locally by slapos commands, and never leave the computer. Likewise for all these
values. Then, they would not belong anymore to this recipe either, which would be left with basically:slap-software-type
for easier transition from xml to json-in-xml and someday hopefully bare json) -
(didn't know/remember these existed, but they do belong to what the master know and can tell us about ourselves)
(and I just realised you already did revert this commit... sorry for the noise)