Feature Kvm Select Iso List
the old field now named
Boot image list
has to be correctly renamed -
Boot image list
shall not drop access to default image -
Boot image
images shall be available on boot as:
Boot image
Boot image list
- the default one (it's a change, previous implementation, not released yet, was replacing it)
- tests has to be extended
- add SR developer howto about procedure to update those images
- check deeper JSON Schema validation
- really support cluster, seems the images ended up in the frontend configuration instead of the VM, and that's not what we wanted
warning KVM supports only 4
-drive media=cdrom
anyway, otherwise exists with messagemachine type does not support if=ide,bus=2,unit=0
it means that maximum 3 cd can be given from
Boot image
andBoot image list
, such promise shall be used, as otherwise KVM does not start at all
it means that maximum 3 cd can be given from
- reconsider naming of the fields (ids)