Commit bb467eac authored by Alain Takoudjou's avatar Alain Takoudjou

fix Monitor README: add missing information for instance template

parent 8800a96c
......@@ -12,13 +12,21 @@ Implementation :
extends =
2/ In your instance.cfg file or instance template (instance-xxx.cfg.jinja2, ...),
Extend monitor template and a monitor-base to parts:
extends =
parts =
2/ In your instance.cfg file or instance template, override monitor configuration section to define your custom parameters.
Override monitor configuration section to define your custom parameters.
monitor-title = ${slap-configuration:instance-title}
......@@ -57,6 +65,9 @@ You don't need to define all parameters, you can only set what is required to be
- configuration-file-path: path of knowledge0 cfg file where instance configuration will be written.
- interface-url: The URL of monitor web interface. This URL will be present in generated JSON files.
NB: You should use double $ (ex: $${monitor-template:rendered}) instead of one $ in your instance template file if it's not a jinja template. See:
- Jinja template file exemple, use one $:
- Non Jinja template file, use $$:
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