Commit e952a6db authored by fxa's avatar fxa

fixed a pct-error for multibyte utf8 chars

parent 378dcb63
...@@ -24,7 +24,9 @@ ...@@ -24,7 +24,9 @@
"bold_suffix": "", "bold_suffix": "",
"assertion_prefix": "", "assertion_prefix": "",
"assertion_suffix": "" "assertion_suffix": ""
}; },
// NODEUNIT_REPORTER = 'minimal';
var var
SRC_HOME = 'src', SRC_HOME = 'src',
...@@ -58,7 +60,7 @@ ...@@ -58,7 +60,7 @@
ASYNC = {async: true}; ASYNC = {async: true};
var all = new jake.FileList(); var all = new jake.FileList();
all.include('./*'); all.include('./Jakefile.js', 'own-testcases.json');
all.include('src/**'); all.include('src/**');
all.include('test/**'); all.include('test/**');
...@@ -91,7 +93,7 @@ ...@@ -91,7 +93,7 @@
}, },
function (callback) { function (callback) {
jake.logger.log('unit testing ...'); jake.logger.log('unit testing ...');
nodeunit.reporters['default'].run(UNIT_TESTS, NODEUNIT_OPTIONS, callback); nodeunit.reporters[NODEUNIT_REPORTER].run(UNIT_TESTS, NODEUNIT_OPTIONS, callback);
}, },
function (callback) { function (callback) {
jake.logger.log('build concatenated version ...'); jake.logger.log('build concatenated version ...');
...@@ -107,7 +109,7 @@ ...@@ -107,7 +109,7 @@
}, },
function (callback) { function (callback) {
jake.logger.log('integration tests ...'); jake.logger.log('integration tests ...');
nodeunit.reporters['default'].run(INTEGRATION_TESTS, NODEUNIT_OPTIONS, callback); nodeunit.reporters[NODEUNIT_REPORTER].run(INTEGRATION_TESTS, NODEUNIT_OPTIONS, callback);
}, },
function (callback) { function (callback) {
jake.logger.log('move uncompressed version to target directory'); jake.logger.log('move uncompressed version to target directory');
...@@ -126,7 +128,7 @@ ...@@ -126,7 +128,7 @@
}, },
function (callback) { function (callback) {
jake.logger.log('integration tests with minified version ... '); jake.logger.log('integration tests with minified version ... ');
nodeunit.reporters['default'].run(INTEGRATION_TESTS, NODEUNIT_OPTIONS, callback); nodeunit.reporters[NODEUNIT_REPORTER].run(INTEGRATION_TESTS, NODEUNIT_OPTIONS, callback);
}, },
function (callback) { function (callback) {
jake.logger.log('move compressed version to target ... '); jake.logger.log('move compressed version to target ... ');
...@@ -135,8 +137,15 @@ ...@@ -135,8 +137,15 @@
], closeTask); ], closeTask);
}, ASYNC); }, ASYNC);
desc('release'); // for short test only
task('release', [TARGET_COMPRESSED], function () { desc('unit tests');
task('unit', [], function () {
// here we want the default reporter and not the configured one
nodeunit.reporters['default'].run(UNIT_TESTS, NODEUNIT_OPTIONS, complete);
}, ASYNC);
task('build', [TARGET_COMPRESSED], function () {
jake.logger.log('done.'); jake.logger.log('done.');
}); });
task('default', ['clean', 'release']); task('default', ['clean', 'release']);
...@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ But you can also use it with node: ...@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ But you can also use it with node:
**npm install uritemplate** **npm install uritemplate**
and then: and then in a node application:
var var
UriTemplate = require('uritemplate'), UriTemplate = require('uritemplate'),
...@@ -26,6 +26,15 @@ and then: ...@@ -26,6 +26,15 @@ and then:
template.expand({query: {first: 1, second: 2}}); template.expand({query: {first: 1, second: 2}});
--> "?first=1&second=2" --> "?first=1&second=2"
or within a html document (see also demo.html):
<script type="text/javascript" src="bin/uritemplate.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var template = UriTemplate.parse('{?query*}');
alert(template.expand({query: {first: 1, second: 2}}));
If you want to clone the git project, be aware of the submodule uritemplate-test. If you want to clone the git project, be aware of the submodule uritemplate-test.
So you have to to: So you have to to:
...@@ -35,7 +44,7 @@ So you have to to: ...@@ -35,7 +44,7 @@ So you have to to:
Build Build
----- -----
jake clean release jake clean build
Tests Tests
----- -----
...@@ -51,8 +60,9 @@ MIT License, see ...@@ -51,8 +60,9 @@ MIT License, see
Release Notes Release Notes
------------- -------------
0.2.0 heavy project refactoring, splitting source files, introducing jshint (preparation of next steps) * 0.2.2 fixed pct encoding bug with multibyte utf8 chars
0.2.1 fixed a bug in package.json * 0.2.1 fixed a bug in package.json
* 0.2.0 heavy project refactoring, splitting source files, introducing jshint (preparation of next steps)
Next Steps Next Steps
---------- ----------
(function(e){"use strict";function t(e){var n,o;if(null===e||void 0===e)return!1;if(r.isArray(e)){for(n=0;e.length>n;n+=1)if(t(e[n]))return!0;return!1}if("string"==typeof e||"number"==typeof e||"boolean"==typeof e)return!0;for(o in e)if(e.hasOwnProperty(o)&&t(e[o]))return!0;return!1}var r=function(){function e(e){return"[object Array]"===Object.prototype.toString.apply(e)}function t(e,t,r){var n,o=r;for(n in e)e.hasOwnProperty(n)&&(o=t(o,e[n],n,e));return o}function r(e,t,r){var n,o=r;for(n=0;e.length>n;n+=1)o=t(o,e[n],n,e);return o}function n(n,o,i){return e(n)?r(n,o,i):t(n,o,i)}return{isArray:e,reduce:n}}(),n=function(){function e(e){return e>="a"&&"z">=e||e>="A"&&"Z">=e}function t(e){return e>="0"&&"9">=e}function r(e){return t(e)||e>="a"&&"f">=e||e>="A"&&"F">=e}return{isAlpha:e,isDigit:t,isHexDigit:r}}(),o=function(){function e(e){return unescape(encodeURIComponent(e))}function t(t){var r,n,o="",i=e(t);for(n=0;i.length>n;n+=1)r=i.charCodeAt(n),o+="%"+r.toString(16).toUpperCase();return o}function r(e){if(3>e.length)return!1;for(var t=0;e.length>t;t+=3)if("%"!==e.charAt(t)||!n.isHexDigit(e.charAt(t+1)||!n.isHexDigit(e.charAt(t+2))))return!1;return!0}function o(e,t){var n=e.charAt(t);return"%"!==n?n:(n=e.substr(t,3),r(n)?n:"%")}return{encodeCharacter:t,decodeCharacter:decodeURIComponent,isPctEncoded:r,pctCharAt:o}}(),i=function(){function e(e){return n.isAlpha(e)||n.isDigit(e)||"_"===e||o.isPctEncoded(e)}function t(e){return n.isAlpha(e)||n.isDigit(e)||"-"===e||"."===e||"_"===e||"~"===e}function r(e){return":"===e||"/"===e||"?"===e||"#"===e||"["===e||"]"===e||"@"===e||"!"===e||"$"===e||"&"===e||"("===e||")"===e||"*"===e||"+"===e||","===e||";"===e||"="===e||"'"===e}return{isVarchar:e,isUnreserved:t,isReserved:r}}(),a=function(){function e(e,t){var r,n="",a="";for(("number"==typeof e||"boolean"==typeof e)&&(e=""+e),r=0;e.length>r;r+=a.length)a=o.pctCharAt(e,r),n+=a.length>1?a:i.isUnreserved(a)||t&&i.isReserved(a)?a:o.encodeCharacter(a);return n}function t(t){return e(t,!0)}return{encode:e,encodePassReserved:t}}(),u=function(){function e(e){t[e]={symbol:e,separator:"?"===e?"&":""===e||"+"===e||"#"===e?",":e,named:";"===e||"&"===e||"?"===e,ifEmpty:"&"===e||"?"===e?"=":"",first:"+"===e?"":e,encode:"+"===e||"#"===e?a.encodePassReserved:a.encode,toString:function(){return this.symbol}}}var t={};return e(""),e("+"),e("#"),e("."),e("/"),e(";"),e("?"),e("&"),{valueOf:function(e){if(t[e])return t[e];if("=,!@|".indexOf(e)>=0)throw Error('Illegal use of reserved operator "'+e+'"');return t[""]}}}(),s=function(){function e(e){var t,r="",n="";for(t=0;e.length>t;t+=n.length)n=o.pctCharAt(e,t),r+=n.length>0?n:i.isReserved(n)||i.isUnreserved(n)?n:o.encodeCharacter(n);return r}function t(e){this.literal=t.encodeLiteral(e)}return t.encodeLiteral=e,t.prototype.expand=function(){return this.literal},t.prototype.toString=t.prototype.expand,t}(),f=function(){function e(e){function t(){h={varname:a.substring(d,f),exploded:!1,maxLength:null},d=null}function r(){if(g===f)throw Error("after a ':' you have to specify the length. position = "+f);h.maxLength=parseInt(a.substring(g,f),10),g=null}var a,s,f,l,p=[],h=null,d=null,g=null;for(a=e.substr(1,e.length-2),s=u.valueOf(a.charAt(0)),f=""===s.symbol?0:1,d=f;a.length>f;f+=l.length){if(l=o.pctCharAt(a,f),null!==d){if("."===l){if(d===f)throw Error("a varname MUST NOT start with a dot -- see position "+f);continue}if(i.isVarchar(l))continue;t()}if(null!==g){if(n.isDigit(l))continue;r()}if(":"!==l)if("*"!==l){if(","!==l)throw Error("illegal character '"+l+"' at position "+f);p.push(h),h=null,d=f+1}else{if(null===h)throw Error("explode exploded at position "+f);if(h.exploded)throw Error("explode exploded twice at position "+f);if(h.maxLength)throw Error("an explode (*) MUST NOT follow to a prefix, see position "+f);h.exploded=!0}else{if(null!==h.maxLength)throw Error("only one :maxLength is allowed per varspec at position "+f);g=f+1}}return null!==d&&t(),null!==g&&r(),p.push(h),new c(e,s,p)}function t(t){var r,n,o=[],i=null,a=0;for(r=0;t.length>r;r+=1)if(n=t.charAt(r),null===a){if(null===i)throw Error("reached unreachable code");if("{"===n)throw Error("brace was opened in position "+i+" and cannot be reopened in position "+r);if("}"===n){if(i+1===r)throw Error("empty braces on position "+i);o.push(e(t.substring(i,r+1))),i=null,a=r+1}}else{if("}"===n)throw Error("brace was closed in position "+r+" but never opened");"{"===n&&(r>a&&o.push(new s(t.substring(a,r))),a=null,i=r)}if(null!==i)throw Error("brace was opened on position "+i+", but never closed");return t.length>a&&o.push(new s(t.substr(a))),new l(t,o)}return t}(),c=function(){function e(e){return JSON?JSON.stringify(e):e}function n(e,t,r){this.templateText=e,this.operator=t,this.varspecs=r}return n.prototype.toString=function(){return this.templateText},n.prototype.expand=function(n){function o(e,r,n){return t(r)&&(e.length>0&&(e+=","),l||(e+=d.encode(n)+","),e+=d.encode(r)),e}function i(e,r,n){return t(r)&&(e.length>0&&(e+=d.separator),e+=l?s.encodeLiteral(f.varname):d.encode(n),e+="="+d.encode(r)),e}function a(e,r,n){return t(r)&&(e.length>0&&(e+=d.separator),l||(e+=d.encode(n)+"="),e+=d.encode(r)),e}var u,f,c,l,p="",h=!0,d=this.operator;for(u=0;this.varspecs.length>u;u+=1)if(f=this.varspecs[u],c=n[f.varname],h?(p+=this.operator.first,h=!1):p+=this.operator.separator,l=r.isArray(c),"string"==typeof c||"number"==typeof c||"boolean"==typeof c){if(c=""+c,this.operator.named){if(p+=s.encodeLiteral(f.varname),""===c){p+=this.operator.ifEmpty;continue}p+="="}f.maxLength&&c.length>f.maxLength&&(c=c.substr(0,f.maxLength)),p+=this.operator.encode(c)}else{if(f.maxLength)throw Error("Prefix modifiers are not applicable to variables that have composite values. You tried to expand "+this+" with "+e(c));if(f.exploded)p+=r.reduce(c,d.named?i:a,"");else{if(d.named){if(p+=s.encodeLiteral(f.varname),!t(c)){p+=this.operator.ifEmpty;continue}p+="="}p+=r.reduce(c,o,"")}}return p},n}(),l=function(){function e(e,t){this.templateText=e,this.expressions=t}return e.prototype.toString=function(){return this.templateText},e.prototype.expand=function(e){var t,r="";for(t=0;this.expressions.length>t;t+=1)r+=this.expressions[t].expand(e);return r},e.parse=f,e}();e(l)})(function(e){"use strict";"undefined"!=typeof module?module.exports=e:"undefined"!=typeof define?define([],function(){return e}):"undefined"!=typeof window?window.UriTemplate=e:global.UriTemplate=e}); (function(e){"use strict";function r(e){var t,o;if(null===e||void 0===e)return!1;if(n.isArray(e)){for(t=0;e.length>t;t+=1)if(r(e[t]))return!0;return!1}if("string"==typeof e||"number"==typeof e||"boolean"==typeof e)return!0;for(o in e)if(e.hasOwnProperty(o)&&r(e[o]))return!0;return!1}var n=function(){function e(e){return"[object Array]"===Object.prototype.toString.apply(e)}function r(e,r,n){var t,o=n;for(t in e)e.hasOwnProperty(t)&&(o=r(o,e[t],t,e));return o}function n(e,r,n){var t,o=n;for(t=0;e.length>t;t+=1)o=r(o,e[t],t,e);return o}function t(t,o,i){return e(t)?n(t,o,i):r(t,o,i)}return{isArray:e,reduce:t}}(),t=function(){function e(e){return e>="a"&&"z">=e||e>="A"&&"Z">=e}function r(e){return e>="0"&&"9">=e}function n(e){return r(e)||e>="a"&&"f">=e||e>="A"&&"F">=e}return{isAlpha:e,isDigit:r,isHexDigit:n}}(),o=function(){function e(e){var r,n,t="",o=u.encode(e);for(n=0;o.length>n;n+=1)r=o.charCodeAt(n),t+="%"+r.toString(16).toUpperCase();return t}function r(e,r){return"%"===e[r]&&t.isHexDigit(e[r+1])&&t.isHexDigit(e[r+2])}function n(e,r){return parseInt(e.substr(r,2),16)}function o(e){if(!r(e,0))return!1;var t=n(e,1),o=u.numBytes(t);if(0===o)return!1;for(var i=1;o>i;i+=1)if(!r(e,3*i)||!u.isValidFollowingCharCode(n(e,3*i+1)))return!1;return!0}function i(e,t){var o=e[t];if(!r(e,t))return o;var i=n(e,t+1),a=u.numBytes(i);if(0===a)return o;for(var s=1;a>s;s+=1)if(!r(e,t+3*s)||!u.isValidFollowingCharCode(n(e,t+3*s+1)))return o;return e.substr(t,3*a)}var u={encode:function(e){return unescape(encodeURIComponent(e))},numBytes:function(e){return 127>=e?1:e>=194&&223>=e?2:e>=224&&239>=e?3:e>=240&&244>=e?4:0},isValidFollowingCharCode:function(e){return e>=128&&191>=e}};return{encodeCharacter:e,isPctEncoded:o,pctCharAt:i}}(),i=function(){function e(e){return t.isAlpha(e)||t.isDigit(e)||"_"===e||o.isPctEncoded(e)}function r(e){return t.isAlpha(e)||t.isDigit(e)||"-"===e||"."===e||"_"===e||"~"===e}function n(e){return":"===e||"/"===e||"?"===e||"#"===e||"["===e||"]"===e||"@"===e||"!"===e||"$"===e||"&"===e||"("===e||")"===e||"*"===e||"+"===e||","===e||";"===e||"="===e||"'"===e}return{isVarchar:e,isUnreserved:r,isReserved:n}}(),u=function(){function e(e,r){var n,t="",u="";for(("number"==typeof e||"boolean"==typeof e)&&(e=""+e),n=0;e.length>n;n+=u.length)u=o.pctCharAt(e,n),t+=u.length>1?u:i.isUnreserved(u)||r&&i.isReserved(u)?u:o.encodeCharacter(u);return t}function r(r){return e(r,!0)}return{encode:e,encodePassReserved:r}}(),a=function(){function e(e){r[e]={symbol:e,separator:"?"===e?"&":""===e||"+"===e||"#"===e?",":e,named:";"===e||"&"===e||"?"===e,ifEmpty:"&"===e||"?"===e?"=":"",first:"+"===e?"":e,encode:"+"===e||"#"===e?u.encodePassReserved:u.encode,toString:function(){return this.symbol}}}var r={};return e(""),e("+"),e("#"),e("."),e("/"),e(";"),e("?"),e("&"),{valueOf:function(e){if(r[e])return r[e];if("=,!@|".indexOf(e)>=0)throw Error('Illegal use of reserved operator "'+e+'"');return r[""]}}}(),s=function(){function e(e){var r,n="",t="";for(r=0;e.length>r;r+=t.length)t=o.pctCharAt(e,r),n+=t.length>0?t:i.isReserved(t)||i.isUnreserved(t)?t:o.encodeCharacter(t);return n}function r(e){this.literal=r.encodeLiteral(e)}return r.encodeLiteral=e,r.prototype.expand=function(){return this.literal},r.prototype.toString=r.prototype.expand,r}(),f=function(){function e(e){function r(){p={varname:u.substring(h,f),exploded:!1,maxLength:null},h=null}function n(){if(d===f)throw Error("after a ':' you have to specify the length. position = "+f);p.maxLength=parseInt(u.substring(d,f),10),d=null}var u,s,f,c=[],p=null,h=null,d=null,g="";for(u=e.substr(1,e.length-2),s=a.valueOf(u.charAt(0)),f=""===s.symbol?0:1,h=f;u.length>f;f+=g.length){if(g=o.pctCharAt(u,f),null!==h){if("."===g){if(h===f)throw Error("a varname MUST NOT start with a dot -- see position "+f);continue}if(i.isVarchar(g))continue;r()}if(null!==d){if(t.isDigit(g))continue;n()}if(":"!==g)if("*"!==g){if(","!==g)throw Error("illegal character '"+g+"' at position "+f+' of "'+u+'"');c.push(p),p=null,h=f+1}else{if(null===p)throw Error("explode exploded at position "+f);if(p.exploded)throw Error("explode exploded twice at position "+f);if(p.maxLength)throw Error("an explode (*) MUST NOT follow to a prefix, see position "+f);p.exploded=!0}else{if(null!==p.maxLength)throw Error("only one :maxLength is allowed per varspec at position "+f);d=f+1}}return null!==h&&r(),null!==d&&n(),c.push(p),new l(e,s,c)}function r(r){var n,t,o=[],i=null,u=0;for(n=0;r.length>n;n+=1)if(t=r.charAt(n),null===u){if(null===i)throw Error("reached unreachable code");if("{"===t)throw Error("brace was opened in position "+i+" and cannot be reopened in position "+n);if("}"===t){if(i+1===n)throw Error("empty braces on position "+i);o.push(e(r.substring(i,n+1))),i=null,u=n+1}}else{if("}"===t)throw Error("brace was closed in position "+n+" but never opened");"{"===t&&(n>u&&o.push(new s(r.substring(u,n))),u=null,i=n)}if(null!==i)throw Error("brace was opened on position "+i+", but never closed");return r.length>u&&o.push(new s(r.substr(u))),new c(r,o)}return r}(),l=function(){function e(e){return JSON?JSON.stringify(e):e}function t(e,r,n){this.templateText=e,this.operator=r,this.varspecs=n}return t.prototype.toString=function(){return this.templateText},t.prototype.expand=function(t){function o(e,n,t){return r(n)&&(e.length>0&&(e+=","),c||(e+=d.encode(t)+","),e+=d.encode(n)),e}function i(e,n,t){return r(n)&&(e.length>0&&(e+=d.separator),e+=c?s.encodeLiteral(f.varname):d.encode(t),e+="="+d.encode(n)),e}function u(e,n,t){return r(n)&&(e.length>0&&(e+=d.separator),c||(e+=d.encode(t)+"="),e+=d.encode(n)),e}var a,f,l,c,p="",h=!0,d=this.operator;for(a=0;this.varspecs.length>a;a+=1)if(f=this.varspecs[a],l=t[f.varname],r(l))if(h?(p+=this.operator.first,h=!1):p+=this.operator.separator,c=n.isArray(l),"string"==typeof l||"number"==typeof l||"boolean"==typeof l){if(l=""+l,this.operator.named){if(p+=s.encodeLiteral(f.varname),""===l){p+=this.operator.ifEmpty;continue}p+="="}f.maxLength&&l.length>f.maxLength&&(l=l.substr(0,f.maxLength)),p+=this.operator.encode(l)}else{if(f.maxLength)throw Error("Prefix modifiers are not applicable to variables that have composite values. You tried to expand "+this+" with "+e(l));if(f.exploded)p+=n.reduce(l,d.named?i:u,"");else{if(d.named){if(p+=s.encodeLiteral(f.varname),!r(l)){p+=this.operator.ifEmpty;continue}p+="="}p+=n.reduce(l,o,"")}}return p},t}(),c=function(){function e(e,r){this.templateText=e,this.expressions=r}return e.prototype.toString=function(){return this.templateText},e.prototype.expand=function(e){var r,n="";for(r=0;this.expressions.length>r;r+=1)n+=this.expressions[r].expand(e);return n},e.parse=f,e}();e(c)})(function(e){"use strict";"undefined"!=typeof module?module.exports=e:"undefined"!=typeof define?define([],function(){return e}):"undefined"!=typeof window?window.UriTemplate=e:global.UriTemplate=e});
\ No newline at end of file \ No newline at end of file
...@@ -73,15 +73,41 @@ var charHelper = (function () { ...@@ -73,15 +73,41 @@ var charHelper = (function () {
var pctEncoder = (function () { var pctEncoder = (function () {
var utf8 = {
encode: function (chr) {
// see // see
function toUtf8(s) { return unescape(encodeURIComponent(chr));
return unescape(encodeURIComponent(s)); },
numBytes: function (firstCharCode) {
if (firstCharCode <= 0x7F) {
return 1;
} }
else if (0xC2 <= firstCharCode && firstCharCode <= 0xDF) {
return 2;
else if (0xE0 <= firstCharCode && firstCharCode <= 0xEF) {
return 3;
else if (0xF0 <= firstCharCode && firstCharCode <= 0xF4) {
return 4;
// no valid first octet
return 0;
isValidFollowingCharCode: function (charCode) {
return 0x80 <= charCode && charCode <= 0xBF;
function encode(chr) { /**
* encodes a character, if needed or not.
* @param chr
* @return pct-encoded character
function encodeCharacter (chr) {
var var
result = '', result = '',
octets = toUtf8(chr), octets = utf8.encode(chr),
octet, octet,
index; index;
for (index = 0; index < octets.length; index += 1) { for (index = 0; index < octets.length; index += 1) {
...@@ -91,33 +117,62 @@ var pctEncoder = (function () { ...@@ -91,33 +117,62 @@ var pctEncoder = (function () {
return result; return result;
} }
function isPctEncoded(chr) { function isPercentDigitDigit (text, start) {
if (chr.length < 3) { return text[start] === '%' && charHelper.isHexDigit(text[start + 1]) && charHelper.isHexDigit(text[start + 2]);
function parseHex2(text, start) {
return parseInt(text.substr(start, 2), 16);
* Returns wether or not the given char sequence is a correctly pct-encoded sequence.
* @param chr
* @return {boolean}
function isPctEncoded (chr) {
if (!isPercentDigitDigit(chr, 0)) {
return false;
var firstCharCode = parseHex2(chr, 1);
var numBytes = utf8.numBytes(firstCharCode);
if (numBytes === 0) {
return false; return false;
} }
for (var index = 0; index < chr.length; index += 3) { for (var byteNumber = 1; byteNumber < numBytes; byteNumber += 1) {
if (chr.charAt(index) !== '%' || !charHelper.isHexDigit(chr.charAt(index + 1) || !charHelper.isHexDigit(chr.charAt(index + 2)))) { if (!isPercentDigitDigit(chr, 3*byteNumber) || !utf8.isValidFollowingCharCode(parseHex2(chr, 3*byteNumber + 1))) {
return false; return false;
} }
} }
return true; return true;
} }
* Reads as much as needed from the text, e.g. '%20' or '%C3%B6'. It does not decode!
* @param text
* @param startIndex
* @return the character or pct-string of the text at startIndex
function pctCharAt(text, startIndex) { function pctCharAt(text, startIndex) {
var chr = text.charAt(startIndex); var chr = text[startIndex];
if (chr !== '%') { if (!isPercentDigitDigit(text, startIndex)) {
return chr; return chr;
} }
chr = text.substr(startIndex, 3); var utf8CharCode = parseHex2(text, startIndex + 1);
if (!isPctEncoded(chr)) { var numBytes = utf8.numBytes(utf8CharCode);
return '%'; if (numBytes === 0) {
return chr;
} }
for (var byteNumber = 1; byteNumber < numBytes; byteNumber += 1) {
if (!isPercentDigitDigit(text, startIndex + 3 * byteNumber) || !utf8.isValidFollowingCharCode(parseHex2(text, startIndex + 3 * byteNumber + 1))) {
return chr; return chr;
} }
return text.substr(startIndex, 3 * numBytes);
return { return {
encodeCharacter: encode, encodeCharacter: encodeCharacter,
decodeCharacter: decodeURIComponent,
isPctEncoded: isPctEncoded, isPctEncoded: isPctEncoded,
pctCharAt: pctCharAt pctCharAt: pctCharAt
}; };
...@@ -161,9 +216,12 @@ var rfcCharHelper = (function () { ...@@ -161,9 +216,12 @@ var rfcCharHelper = (function () {
}()); }());
* encoding of rfc 6570
var encodingHelper = (function () { var encodingHelper = (function () {
function encode(text, passReserved) { function encode (text, passReserved) {
var var
result = '', result = '',
index, index,
...@@ -183,7 +241,7 @@ var encodingHelper = (function () { ...@@ -183,7 +241,7 @@ var encodingHelper = (function () {
return result; return result;
} }
function encodePassReserved(text) { function encodePassReserved (text) {
return encode(text, true); return encode(text, true);
} }
...@@ -319,7 +377,7 @@ var parse = (function () { ...@@ -319,7 +377,7 @@ var parse = (function () {
varnameStart = null, varnameStart = null,
maxLengthStart = null, maxLengthStart = null,
index, index,
chr; chr = '';
function closeVarname() { function closeVarname() {
varspec = {varname: text.substring(varnameStart, index), exploded: false, maxLength: null}; varspec = {varname: text.substring(varnameStart, index), exploded: false, maxLength: null};
...@@ -391,7 +449,7 @@ var parse = (function () { ...@@ -391,7 +449,7 @@ var parse = (function () {
varnameStart = index + 1; varnameStart = index + 1;
continue; continue;
} }
throw new Error("illegal character '" + chr + "' at position " + index); throw new Error("illegal character '" + chr + "' at position " + index + ' of "' + text + '"');
} // for chr } // for chr
if (varnameStart !== null) { if (varnameStart !== null) {
closeVarname(); closeVarname();
...@@ -525,9 +583,9 @@ var VariableExpression = (function () { ...@@ -525,9 +583,9 @@ var VariableExpression = (function () {
for (index = 0; index < this.varspecs.length; index += 1) { for (index = 0; index < this.varspecs.length; index += 1) {
varspec = this.varspecs[index]; varspec = this.varspecs[index];
value = variables[varspec.varname]; value = variables[varspec.varname];
// if (!isDefined(value)) { if (!isDefined(value)) {
// continue; continue;
// } }
if (isFirstVarspec) { if (isFirstVarspec) {
result += this.operator.first; result += this.operator.first;
isFirstVarspec = false; isFirstVarspec = false;
...@@ -35,10 +35,16 @@ ...@@ -35,10 +35,16 @@
"uritemplate-test/spec-examples-by-sections.json", "uritemplate-test/spec-examples-by-sections.json",
"uritemplate-test/spec-examples.json" "uritemplate-test/spec-examples.json"
], ],
"version": "0.2.1", "version": "0.2.2",
"readmeFilename": "", "readmeFilename": "",
"gitHead": "901b85201a821427dfb4591b56aea3a70d45c67c", "gitHead": "901b85201a821427dfb4591b56aea3a70d45c67c",
"devDependencies": {}, "devDependencies": {
"jshint": "*",
"nodeunit": "*",
"jake": "*",
"uglify-js": "*",
"async": "*"
"repository": { "repository": {
"type": "git", "type": "git",
"url": "" "url": ""
...@@ -70,9 +70,9 @@ var VariableExpression = (function () { ...@@ -70,9 +70,9 @@ var VariableExpression = (function () {
for (index = 0; index < this.varspecs.length; index += 1) { for (index = 0; index < this.varspecs.length; index += 1) {
varspec = this.varspecs[index]; varspec = this.varspecs[index];
value = variables[varspec.varname]; value = variables[varspec.varname];
// if (!isDefined(value)) { if (!isDefined(value)) {
// continue; continue;
// } }
if (isFirstVarspec) { if (isFirstVarspec) {
result += this.operator.first; result += this.operator.first;
isFirstVarspec = false; isFirstVarspec = false;
/*jshint unused: false */ /*jshint unused: false */
/*global rfcCharHelper, pctEncoder*/ /*global rfcCharHelper, pctEncoder*/
* encoding of rfc 6570
var encodingHelper = (function () { var encodingHelper = (function () {
"use strict"; "use strict";
function encode(text, passReserved) { function encode (text, passReserved) {
var var
result = '', result = '',
index, index,
...@@ -23,7 +26,7 @@ var encodingHelper = (function () { ...@@ -23,7 +26,7 @@ var encodingHelper = (function () {
return result; return result;
} }
function encodePassReserved(text) { function encodePassReserved (text) {
return encode(text, true); return encode(text, true);
} }
...@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ var parse = (function () { ...@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ var parse = (function () {
varnameStart = null, varnameStart = null,
maxLengthStart = null, maxLengthStart = null,
index, index,
chr; chr = '';
function closeVarname() { function closeVarname() {
varspec = {varname: text.substring(varnameStart, index), exploded: false, maxLength: null}; varspec = {varname: text.substring(varnameStart, index), exploded: false, maxLength: null};
...@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ var parse = (function () { ...@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ var parse = (function () {
varnameStart = index + 1; varnameStart = index + 1;
continue; continue;
} }
throw new Error("illegal character '" + chr + "' at position " + index); throw new Error("illegal character '" + chr + "' at position " + index + ' of "' + text + '"');
} // for chr } // for chr
if (varnameStart !== null) { if (varnameStart !== null) {
closeVarname(); closeVarname();
/*jshint unused:false */ /*jshint unused:false */
/*global unescape, charHelper*/ /*global charHelper, unescape*/
var pctEncoder = (function () { var pctEncoder = (function () {
"use strict"; "use strict";
var utf8 = {
encode: function (chr) {
// see // see
function toUtf8(s) { return unescape(encodeURIComponent(chr));
return unescape(encodeURIComponent(s)); },
numBytes: function (firstCharCode) {
if (firstCharCode <= 0x7F) {
return 1;
} }
else if (0xC2 <= firstCharCode && firstCharCode <= 0xDF) {
return 2;
else if (0xE0 <= firstCharCode && firstCharCode <= 0xEF) {
return 3;
else if (0xF0 <= firstCharCode && firstCharCode <= 0xF4) {
return 4;
// no valid first octet
return 0;
isValidFollowingCharCode: function (charCode) {
return 0x80 <= charCode && charCode <= 0xBF;
function encode(chr) { /**
* encodes a character, if needed or not.
* @param chr
* @return pct-encoded character
function encodeCharacter (chr) {
var var
result = '', result = '',
octets = toUtf8(chr), octets = utf8.encode(chr),
octet, octet,
index; index;
for (index = 0; index < octets.length; index += 1) { for (index = 0; index < octets.length; index += 1) {
...@@ -21,33 +47,62 @@ var pctEncoder = (function () { ...@@ -21,33 +47,62 @@ var pctEncoder = (function () {
return result; return result;
} }
function isPctEncoded(chr) { function isPercentDigitDigit (text, start) {
if (chr.length < 3) { return text[start] === '%' && charHelper.isHexDigit(text[start + 1]) && charHelper.isHexDigit(text[start + 2]);
function parseHex2(text, start) {
return parseInt(text.substr(start, 2), 16);
* Returns wether or not the given char sequence is a correctly pct-encoded sequence.
* @param chr
* @return {boolean}
function isPctEncoded (chr) {
if (!isPercentDigitDigit(chr, 0)) {
return false;
var firstCharCode = parseHex2(chr, 1);
var numBytes = utf8.numBytes(firstCharCode);
if (numBytes === 0) {
return false; return false;
} }
for (var index = 0; index < chr.length; index += 3) { for (var byteNumber = 1; byteNumber < numBytes; byteNumber += 1) {
if (chr.charAt(index) !== '%' || !charHelper.isHexDigit(chr.charAt(index + 1) || !charHelper.isHexDigit(chr.charAt(index + 2)))) { if (!isPercentDigitDigit(chr, 3*byteNumber) || !utf8.isValidFollowingCharCode(parseHex2(chr, 3*byteNumber + 1))) {
return false; return false;
} }
} }
return true; return true;
} }
* Reads as much as needed from the text, e.g. '%20' or '%C3%B6'. It does not decode!
* @param text
* @param startIndex
* @return the character or pct-string of the text at startIndex
function pctCharAt(text, startIndex) { function pctCharAt(text, startIndex) {
var chr = text.charAt(startIndex); var chr = text[startIndex];
if (chr !== '%') { if (!isPercentDigitDigit(text, startIndex)) {
return chr; return chr;
} }
chr = text.substr(startIndex, 3); var utf8CharCode = parseHex2(text, startIndex + 1);
if (!isPctEncoded(chr)) { var numBytes = utf8.numBytes(utf8CharCode);
return '%'; if (numBytes === 0) {
return chr;
} }
for (var byteNumber = 1; byteNumber < numBytes; byteNumber += 1) {
if (!isPercentDigitDigit(text, startIndex + 3 * byteNumber) || !utf8.isValidFollowingCharCode(parseHex2(text, startIndex + 3 * byteNumber + 1))) {
return chr; return chr;
} }
return text.substr(startIndex, 3 * numBytes);
return { return {
encodeCharacter: encode, encodeCharacter: encodeCharacter,
decodeCharacter: decodeURIComponent,
isPctEncoded: isPctEncoded, isPctEncoded: isPctEncoded,
pctCharAt: pctCharAt pctCharAt: pctCharAt
}; };
...@@ -3,7 +3,16 @@ module.exports = (function () { ...@@ -3,7 +3,16 @@ module.exports = (function () {
var var
fs = require('fs'), fs = require('fs'),
path = require('path'),
sandbox = require('nodeunit').utils.sandbox; sandbox = require('nodeunit').utils.sandbox;
// var testCase = require('nodeunit').testCase;
var NOISY = false;
function log(text) {
if (NOISY) {
function loadUriTemplate() { function loadUriTemplate() {
...@@ -23,18 +32,15 @@ module.exports = (function () { ...@@ -23,18 +32,15 @@ module.exports = (function () {
index; index;
try { try {
uriTemplate = UriTemplate.parse(template); uriTemplate = UriTemplate.parse(template);
// console.log('uritemplate parsed:' + uriTemplate);
} }
catch (error) { catch (error) {
// console.log('error', error);
// console.log('expected', expected.toString());
// if expected === false, the error was expected! // if expected === false, the error was expected!
if (expected === false) { if (expected === false) {
log('ok. expected error found');
return; return;
} }
console.log('error', error); log('error', error);
console.log('expected', expected.toString());'chapter ' + chapterName + ', template ' + template + ' threw error: ' + error);
test.notEqual('chapter ' + chapterName + ', template ' + template + ' threw error: ' + error);
return; return;
} }
test.ok(!!uriTemplate, 'uri template could not be parsed'); test.ok(!!uriTemplate, 'uri template could not be parsed');
...@@ -49,7 +55,7 @@ module.exports = (function () { ...@@ -49,7 +55,7 @@ module.exports = (function () {
if (expected === false) { if (expected === false) {
return; return;
} }
test.notEqual('chapter ' + chapterName + ', template ' + template + ' threw error: ' + JSON.stringify(exception, null, 4));'chapter ' + chapterName + ', template ' + template + ' threw error: ' + JSON.stringify(exception, null, 4));
return; return;
} }
if (expected.constructor === Array) { if (expected.constructor === Array) {
...@@ -59,7 +65,7 @@ module.exports = (function () { ...@@ -59,7 +65,7 @@ module.exports = (function () {
return; return;
} }
} }
test.notEqual('actual: ' + actual + ', expected: one of ' + JSON.stringify(expected) + 'chapter ' + chapterName + ', template ' + template);"actual: '" + actual + "', expected: one of " + JSON.stringify(expected) + ', chapter ' + chapterName + ', template ' + template);
} }
else { else {
test.equal(actual, expected, 'actual: ' + actual + ', expected: ' + expected + ', template: ' + template); test.equal(actual, expected, 'actual: ' + actual + ', expected: ' + expected + ', template: ' + template);
...@@ -76,33 +82,39 @@ module.exports = (function () { ...@@ -76,33 +82,39 @@ module.exports = (function () {
template, template,
expexted, expexted,
UriTemplate; UriTemplate;
UriTemplate = loadUriTemplate(); UriTemplate = loadUriTemplate();
tests = loadTestFile(filename); tests = loadTestFile(filename);
for (chapterName in tests) { for (chapterName in tests) {
if (tests.hasOwnProperty(chapterName)) { if (tests.hasOwnProperty(chapterName)) {
log('-> ' + chapterName);
chapter = tests[chapterName]; chapter = tests[chapterName];
variables = chapter.variables; variables = chapter.variables;
for (index = 0; index < chapter.testcases.length; index += 1) { for (index = 0; index < chapter.testcases.length; index += 1) {
template = chapter.testcases[index][0]; template = chapter.testcases[index][0];
expexted = chapter.testcases[index][1]; expexted = chapter.testcases[index][1];
log(' -> ' + template);
assertMatches(test, template, variables, expexted, chapterName, UriTemplate); assertMatches(test, template, variables, expexted, chapterName, UriTemplate);
} }
} }
} }
test.done(); test.done();
} }
// var SPEC_HOME = '../uritemplate-test';
var SPEC_HOME = 'uritemplate-test';
// var SPEC_HOME = "C:/Users/developer/git/uritemplate-test";
return { return {
'spec examples': function (test) { 'spec examples': function (test) {
runTestFile(test, 'uritemplate-test/spec-examples.json'); runTestFile(test, path.join(SPEC_HOME, 'spec-examples.json'));
}, },
'extended tests': function (test) { 'extended tests': function (test) {
runTestFile(test, 'uritemplate-test/extended-tests.json'); runTestFile(test, path.join(SPEC_HOME, 'extended-tests.json'));
'negative tests': function (test) {
runTestFile(test, path.join(SPEC_HOME, 'negative-tests.json'));
}, },
// 'negative tests': function (test) {
// runTestFile(test, 'uritemplate-test/negative-tests.json');
// },
'own tests': function (test) { 'own tests': function (test) {
runTestFile(test, 'own-testcases.json'); runTestFile(test, 'own-testcases.json');
} }
module.exports = (function () { module.exports = (function () {
"use strict"; "use strict";
var var context = {console: console};
sandbox = require('nodeunit').utils.sandbox; require('nodeunit').utils.sandbox('src/objectHelper.js', context);
var context = {};
sandbox('src/objectHelper.js', context);
var objectHelper = context.objectHelper; var objectHelper = context.objectHelper;
return { return {
'reduce works with initial value': function (test) { 'reduce works with initial value': function (test) {
var callNum = 0; var callNum = 0;
module.exports = (function () {
"use strict";
sandbox = require('nodeunit').utils.sandbox,
context = {console: console};
sandbox('src/charHelper.js', context);
sandbox('src/pctEncoder.js', context);
var charHelper = context.charHelper;
var pctEncoder = context.pctEncoder;
return {
'isPctEncoded': {
'one byte utf8 characters are recognized': function (test) {
'two byte utf8 characters are recognized': function (test) {
'three byte utf8 characters are recognized': function (test) {
// the euro sign
'four byte utf8 characters are recognized': function (test) {
// violin clef
'pctCharAt': {
'corner cases are detected': function (test) {
test.equal(pctEncoder.pctCharAt('%', 0), '%');
test.equal(pctEncoder.pctCharAt('%X', 0), '%');
test.equal(pctEncoder.pctCharAt('%A', 0), '%');
test.equal(pctEncoder.pctCharAt('%1', 0), '%');
test.equal(pctEncoder.pctCharAt('%F0%9D%8', 0), '%');
test.equal(pctEncoder.pctCharAt('%20', 1), '2');
'one byte utf8 characters are detected': function (test) {
test.equal(pctEncoder.pctCharAt('%25%', 0), '%25');
test.equal(pctEncoder.pctCharAt('%3C%', 0), '%3C');
test.equal(pctEncoder.pctCharAt('%3c%', 0), '%3c');
'encodeCharacter': {
'encodeCharacter encodes even if not needed': function (test) {
test.equal(pctEncoder.encodeCharacter('y'), '%79');
test.equal(pctEncoder.encodeCharacter('!'), '%21');
'this and that': {
"ouml is correct encoded": function (test) {
test.equal(pctEncoder.encodeCharacter('ö'), '%C3%B6');
'ouml is pctEncoded': function (test) {
'ouml is extracted from text': function (test) {
test.equal(pctEncoder.pctCharAt('zw%C3%B6lf', 2), '%C3%B6');
module.exports = (function () {
"use strict";
sandbox = require('nodeunit').utils.sandbox,
context = {console: console};
sandbox('src/objectHelper.js', context);
sandbox('src/charHelper.js', context);
sandbox('src/pctEncoder.js', context);
sandbox('src/rfcCharHelper.js', context);
sandbox('src/encodingHelper.js', context);
sandbox('src/operators.js', context);
sandbox('src/isDefined.js', context);
sandbox('src/VariableExpression.js', context);
// var charHelper = context.charHelper;
// var pctEncoder = context.pctEncoder;
// var encodingHelper = context.encodingHelper;
var operators = context.operators;
var VariableExpression = context.VariableExpression;
return {
"exploded empty lists with ? must show the name": function (test) {
console.log(JSON.stringify(test, null, 4));
var ve = new VariableExpression("{?empty*}", operators.valueOf('?'), [
{varname: 'empty', exploded: true, maxLength: null}
test.equal(ve.expand({empty: {}}), '?empty=');
"there must be no separator at the end of the level3 list": function (test) {
var ve = new VariableExpression("{+x,y}", operators.valueOf('+'), [
{varname: 'x', exploded: false, maxLength: null},
{varname: 'y', exploded: false, maxLength: null}
test.equal(ve.expand({x: 1, y: 2}), '1,2');
test.equal(ve.expand({x: 1, y: null}), '1');
\ No newline at end of file
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