Commit b508f108 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

*: s.decode('hex') -> fromhex(s)

Because on Py3:

        def test_dumpreader():
            in_ = b"""\
        txn 0123456789abcdef " "
        user "my name"
        description "o la-la..."
        extension "zzz123 def"
        obj 0000000000000001 delete
        obj 0000000000000002 from 0123456789abcdee
        obj 0000000000000003 54 adler32:01234567 -
        obj 0000000000000004 4 sha1:9865d483bc5a94f2e30056fc256ed3066af54d04
        obj 0000000000000005 9 crc32:52fdeac5


        txn 0123456789abcdf0 " "
        user "author2"
        description "zzz"
        extension "qqq"


            r = DumpReader(BytesIO(in_))
            t1 = r.readtxn()
            assert isinstance(t1, Transaction)
    >       assert t1.tid == '0123456789abcdef'.decode('hex')
    E       AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'decode'

    test/ AttributeError

Based on patch by Jérome Perrin.
parent 1418c86f
......@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ from zodbtools.zodbdump import (
zodbdump, DumpReader, Transaction, ObjectDelete, ObjectCopy,
ObjectData, HashOnly
from zodbtools.util import fromhex
from ZODB.FileStorage import FileStorage
from ZODB.utils import p64
from io import BytesIO
......@@ -74,7 +75,7 @@ extension "qqq"
r = DumpReader(BytesIO(in_))
t1 = r.readtxn()
assert isinstance(t1, Transaction)
assert t1.tid == '0123456789abcdef'.decode('hex')
assert t1.tid == fromhex('0123456789abcdef')
assert t1.user == b'my name'
assert t1.description == b'o la-la...'
assert t1.extension_bytes == b'zzz123 def'
......@@ -85,29 +86,29 @@ extension "qqq"
_ = t1.objv[1]
assert isinstance(_, ObjectCopy)
assert _.oid == p64(2)
assert _.copy_from == '0123456789abcdee'.decode('hex')
assert _.copy_from == fromhex('0123456789abcdee')
_ = t1.objv[2]
assert isinstance(_, ObjectData)
assert _.oid == p64(3)
assert == HashOnly(54)
assert _.hashfunc == 'adler32'
assert _.hash_ == '01234567'.decode('hex')
assert _.hash_ == fromhex('01234567')
_ = t1.objv[3]
assert isinstance(_, ObjectData)
assert _.oid == p64(4)
assert == b'ZZZZ'
assert _.hashfunc == 'sha1'
assert _.hash_ == '9865d483bc5a94f2e30056fc256ed3066af54d04'.decode('hex')
assert _.hash_ == fromhex('9865d483bc5a94f2e30056fc256ed3066af54d04')
_ = t1.objv[4]
assert isinstance(_, ObjectData)
assert _.oid == p64(5)
assert == b'ABC\n\nDEF!'
assert _.hashfunc == 'crc32'
assert _.hash_ == '52fdeac5'.decode('hex')
assert _.hash_ == fromhex('52fdeac5')
t2 = r.readtxn()
assert isinstance(t2, Transaction)
assert t2.tid == '0123456789abcdf0'.decode('hex')
assert t2.tid == fromhex('0123456789abcdf0')
assert t2.user == b'author2'
assert t2.description == b'zzz'
assert t2.extension_bytes == b'qqq'
# Copyright (C) 2018 Nexedi SA and Contributors.
# Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Nexedi SA and Contributors.
# Kirill Smelkov <>
# This program is free software: you can Use, Study, Modify and Redistribute
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ can query current database head (last_tid) with `zodb info <stor> last_tid`.
from __future__ import print_function
from zodbtools import zodbdump
from zodbtools.util import ashex, storageFromURL
from zodbtools.util import ashex, fromhex, storageFromURL
from ZODB.utils import p64, u64, z64
from ZODB.POSException import POSKeyError
from ZODB._compat import BytesIO
......@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ def main(argv):
storurl = argv[0]
at = argv[1].decode('hex')
at = fromhex(argv[1])
stor = storageFromURL(storurl)
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