Commit daf81770 authored by Ivan Tyagov's avatar Ivan Tyagov

Give some time so computer partitions may start

as partitions can be of any kind we have no reliable way to check if they are up or not ...
parent e95bc73b
No related merge requests found
......@@ -246,6 +246,10 @@ branch = %(branch)s
if status_dict['status_code'] != 0:
retry_software = True
raise SubprocessError(status_dict)
# Give some time so computer partitions may start
# as partitions can be of any kind we have and likely will never have
# a reliable way to check if they are up or not ...
run_test_suite_path_list = glob.glob("%s/*/bin/runTestSuite" %config['instance_root'])
if not len(run_test_suite_path_list):
......@@ -264,7 +268,7 @@ branch = %(branch)s
'--revision', revision,
'--test_suite_title', test_suite_title,
'--node_quantity', config['node_quantity'],
'--master_url', config['test_suite_master_url']])
'--master_url', portal_url])
bt5_path_list = config.get("bt5_path")
if bt5_path_list not in ('', None,):
invocation_list.extend(["--bt5_path", bt5_path_list])
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