Commit 34f0974e authored by Łukasz Nowak's avatar Łukasz Nowak

Proof backward compatibility.

Old version of slap library are not using state parameter, so prove that new
version of Slap Tool is capable to speak with them.
parent ddba9bb5
......@@ -35,6 +35,9 @@ from Products.ERP5Type.tests.backportUnittest import skip
from VifibMixin import testVifibMixin
from random import random
from slapos import slap
import urllib
import urlparse
import httplib
from xml_marshaller import xml_marshaller
import transaction
import unittest
......@@ -1352,6 +1355,25 @@ class TestVifibSlapWebService(testVifibMixin):
def stepDirectRequestComputerPartitionNotReadyResponseWithoutState(self,
sequence, **kw):
request_dict = { 'computer_id': sequence['computer_reference'] ,
'computer_partition_id': sequence['computer_partition_reference'],
'software_release': sequence['software_release_uri'],
'software_type': sequence.get('requested_reference', 'requested_reference'),
'partition_reference': sequence.get('requested_reference', 'requested_reference'),
'shared_xml': xml_marshaller.dumps(False),
'partition_parameter_xml': xml_marshaller.dumps({}),
'filter_xml': xml_marshaller.dumps({}),
#'state': Note: State is omitted
scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment = urlparse.urlsplit(self.server_url)
connection = httplib.HTTPConnection(host=netloc)
connection.request("POST", path + '/requestComputerPartition', urllib.urlencode(request_dict), {'Content-type': "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"})
response = connection.getresponse()
self.assertEqual(httplib.REQUEST_TIMEOUT, response.status)
def stepRequestComputerPartitionNotReadyResponse(self, sequence, **kw):
self.slap = slap.slap()
......@@ -3823,6 +3845,23 @@ class TestVifibSlapWebService(testVifibMixin):
def test_ComputerPartition_request_state_is_optional(self):
"""Checks that state is optional parameter on Slap Tool
This ensures backward compatibility with old libraries."""
self.computer_partition_amount = 2
sequence_list = SequenceList()
sequence_string = \
self.prepare_install_requested_computer_partition_sequence_string + '\
SlapLoginCurrentSoftwareInstance \
DirectRequestComputerPartitionNotReadyResponseWithoutState \
Tic \
SlapLogout \
# XXX: This test fails because test_vifib_customer security is cached
# and this user is not in SOFTINST-x group. We do not want to clear
# cache in tests.
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