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Commit d314ef06 authored by Kevin Deldycke's avatar Kevin Deldycke

Fix gross salary / base salary mix.

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 1ed48d15
......@@ -156,8 +156,7 @@ if context.getTitle() in (\'\', None):\n
# This list contain all paysheet items, indexed by service\n
paysheet_items = {}\n
# Initialise the user preview line index\n
user_line_index = 0\n
gross_salary = 0.0\n
total_employee_share = 0.0\n
# Scan every preview line to create an item for each service\n
......@@ -199,6 +198,10 @@ for line in listbox:\n
, "base" : -base\n
, "rate" : share\n
# Update the gross salary\n
# The payroll service "setup convention" require that the fixed value should be defined on \'employer_share\'\n
if salary_range.endswith(\'/fixed/gross\'):\n
gross_salary = r_(gross_salary + share)\n
if cat.endswith(\'/employee_share\') and employee_share not in (None, \'\'):\n
share = float(employee_share)\n
new_cell = { "x" : cat\n
......@@ -206,8 +209,7 @@ for line in listbox:\n
, "base" : -base\n
, "rate" : share\n
#context.log("PaySheetTransaction_postCalculation","cat=%s base=%s rate=%s" % (cat, base, rate))\n
# Update the total employee share\n
total_employee_share = r_(total_employee_share + r_(base * float(share)))\n
# Add the cell to the conresponding paysheet item\n
if new_cell != None:\n
......@@ -234,8 +236,6 @@ if labour_service is None:\n
if labour_service is None:\n
raise ValueError, "Unable to find `labour` service"\n
gross_salary = r_(context.getGrossSalary())\n
labour_employee_share_category = None\n
labour_employer_share_category = None\n
for c in labour_service.getCategoryList():\n
......@@ -245,6 +245,9 @@ for c in labour_service.getCategoryList():\n
if c.startswith(\'salary_range\'):\n
labour_salary_range = c\n
base_salary = r_(context.getGrossSalary())\n
gross_salary = r_(gross_salary + r_(context.getGrossSalary()))\n
createPaySheetItem( title = \'Salary\' # labour_service.getTitleOrId()\n
, res = labour_service.getRelativeUrl()\n
, dest_org = context.getDestinationSection()\n
......@@ -256,7 +259,7 @@ createPaySheetItem( title = \'Salary\' # labour_service.getTitleOrId()\n
{ "x" : labour_employer_share_category\n
, "y" : labour_salary_range\n
, "base" : -1.0\n
, "rate" : gross_salary\n
, "rate" : base_salary\n
......@@ -335,7 +338,7 @@ if not(kw.has_key(\'skip_redirect\') and kw[\'skip_redirect\'] == True):\n
......@@ -353,11 +356,11 @@ if not(kw.has_key(\'skip_redirect\') and kw[\'skip_redirect\'] == True):\n
2006-10-24 Kevin
* Support dynamic update of gross salary calculation on pay sheet preview.
2006-10-23 Kevin
* Change category structure to support additional lines beside base salary to constitute the gross salary. Now the gross salary can be composed of several lines, variable or fixed.
* Use Paysheet currency for precision rounding.
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