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Commit d9a79831 authored by Arnaud Fontaine's avatar Arnaud Fontaine

Clean up recordable property wrappers through a metaclass.

parent c1833b35
......@@ -40,7 +40,91 @@ from Products.ERP5Type.ConsistencyMessage import ConsistencyMessage
from zLOG import LOG, INFO
_recorded_property_name_tuple = (
from ExtensionClass import ExtensionClass
from Products.ERP5Type.Utils import convertToUpperCase
class RecordablePropertyMetaClass(ExtensionClass):
Meta-class for extension classes with registered setters and getters wrapped
to respectively record and get property through PropertyRecordableMixin
def __new__(metacls, name, bases, dictionary):
def setterWrapper(accessor_name, property_name):
def setter(self, property_value):
Everytime either 'reference', 'version' or 'text_content' are modified
when a Component is in modified or validated state, the Component is
set to modified state by component interaction workflow, then in this
method, the current property value is recorded in order to handle any
error returned when checking consistency before the new value is
set. At the end, through component interaction workflow, the Component
is validated only if checkConsistency returns no error
The recorded property will be used upon loading the Component whereas
the new value set is displayed in Component view.
if self.getValidationState() in ('modified', 'validated'):
return getattr(super(ComponentMixin, self), accessor_name)(property_value)
setter.__name__ = accessor_name
return setter
def getterWrapper(accessor_name, property_name):
def getter(self, validated_only=False):
When validated_only is True, then returns the property recorded if
the Component has been modified but there was an error upon
consistency checking
if validated_only:
return self.getRecordedProperty(property_name)
# AttributeError when this property has never been recorded before
# (_recorded_property_dict) and KeyError if the property has been
# recorded before but is not anymore
except (AttributeError, KeyError):
return getattr(super(ComponentMixin, self), accessor_name)()
getter.__name__ = accessor_name
return getter
for property_name in _recorded_property_name_tuple:
setter_name = '_set' + convertToUpperCase(property_name)
dictionary[setter_name] = setterWrapper(setter_name, property_name)
getter_name = 'get' + convertToUpperCase(property_name)
dictionary[getter_name] = getterWrapper(getter_name, property_name)
# docstring required for publishing any object
dictionary['__doc__'] = metacls.__doc__
# ExtensionClass required to avoid metaclasses conflicts when
# ghosting/unghosting Portal Types
new_class = ExtensionClass.__new__(ExtensionClass,
return new_class
class ComponentMixin(PropertyRecordableMixin, Base):
__metaclass__ = RecordablePropertyMetaClass
isPortalContent = 1
isRADContent = 1
isDelivery = ConstantGetter('isDelivery', value=True)
......@@ -129,37 +213,6 @@ class ComponentMixin(PropertyRecordableMixin, Base):
return error_list
def _recordPropertyDecorator(accessor_name, property_name):
def inner(self, property_value):
Everytime either 'reference', 'version' or 'text_content' are
modified when a Component is in modified or validated state, the
Component is set to modified state by component interaction
workflow, then in this method, the current property value is
recorded in order to handle any error returned when checking
consistency before the new value is set. At the end, through
component interaction workflow, the Component is validated only
if checkConsistency returns no error
The recorded property will be used upon loading the Component
whereas the new value set is displayed in Component view.
if self.getValidationState() in ('modified', 'validated'):
return getattr(super(ComponentMixin, self), accessor_name)(property_value)
return inner
security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, '_setReference')
_setReference = _recordPropertyDecorator('_setReference', 'reference')
security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, '_setVersion')
_setVersion = _recordPropertyDecorator('_setVersion', 'version')
security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, '_setTextContent')
_setTextContent = _recordPropertyDecorator('_setTextContent', 'text_content')
def checkConsistencyAndValidate(self):
When a Component is in validated or modified validation state and
......@@ -172,42 +225,10 @@ class ComponentMixin(PropertyRecordableMixin, Base):
workflow = self.workflow_history['component_validation_workflow'][-1]
workflow['error_list'] = error_list
def _getRecordedPropertyDecorator(accessor_name, property_name):
def inner(self, validated_only=False):
When validated_only is True, then returns the property recorded if the
Component has been modified but there was an error upon consistency
if validated_only:
return self.getRecordedProperty(property_name)
# AttributeError when this property has never been recorded before
# (_recorded_property_dict) and KeyError if the property has been
# recorded before but is not anymore
except (AttributeError, KeyError):
return getattr(super(ComponentMixin, self), accessor_name)()
return inner
getReference = _getRecordedPropertyDecorator('getReference', 'reference')
security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getVersion')
getVersion = _getRecordedPropertyDecorator('getVersion', 'version')
for property_name in _recorded_property_name_tuple:
getTextContent = _getRecordedPropertyDecorator('getTextContent',
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