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Commit e031cf10 authored by Arnaud Fontaine's avatar Arnaud Fontaine

Set properly the docstrings for time* methods and lastRequest* methods

in the meta class, thus enhancing documentation generated by epydoc

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent db84dda2
......@@ -72,17 +72,31 @@ def measurementMetaClass(prefix):
def innerSecond(self, *args, **kwargs):
Call L{%(name)s} method and return the time it took in seconds.
@param args: Positional arguments given to L{%(name)s}
@param kwargs: Keyword arguments given to L{%(name)s}
method(self, *args, **kwargs)
return self.lastRequestSeconds
innerSecond.func_name = method_name_prefix + 'InSecond'
innerSecond.__doc__ = innerSecond.__doc__ % {'name': method.func_name}
dictionary[innerSecond.func_name] = innerSecond
def innerPystone(self, *args, **kwargs):
Call L{%(name)s} method and return the time it took in pystones.
@param args: Positional arguments given to L{%(name)s}
@param kwargs: Keyword arguments given to L{%(name)s}
method(self, *args, **kwargs)
return self.lastRequestPystones
innerPystone.func_name = method_name_prefix + 'InPystone'
innerPystone.__doc__ = innerPystone.__doc__ % {'name': method.func_name}
dictionary[innerPystone.func_name] = innerPystone
# Create time*InSecond and time*InPystone methods only for the
......@@ -95,11 +109,15 @@ def measurementMetaClass(prefix):
# defined on classes inheriting from zope.testbrowser.browser.Browser,
# so create these properties for all other classes too
if 'Browser' not in bases[0].__name__:
dictionary['lastRequestSeconds'] = property(
lambda self: self.browser.lastRequestSeconds)
dictionary['lastRequestPystones'] = property(
lambda self: self.browser.lastRequestPystones)
time_method = lambda self: self.browser.lastRequestSeconds
time_method.func_name = 'lastRequestSeconds'
time_method.__doc__ = Browser.lastRequestSeconds.__doc__
dictionary['lastRequestSeconds'] = property(time_method)
time_method = lambda self: self.browser.lastRequestPystones
time_method.func_name = 'lastRequestPystones'
time_method.__doc__ = Browser.lastRequestPystones.__doc__
dictionary['lastRequestPystones'] = property(time_method)
return super(MeasurementMetaClass,
metacls).__new__(metacls, name, bases, dictionary)
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