Commit 8721ebee authored by Julien Muchembled's avatar Julien Muchembled

Add --cleanup command to repozo_tidstorage in order to remove all backups safely.

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent fc584ba5
......@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ Usage: %(program)s [-h|--help] [-c|--config configuration_file]
import imp
import getopt
import glob
import sys
import os
import md5
......@@ -62,13 +63,46 @@ import time
import tempfile
from shutil import copy
from repozo.restore_tidstorage import parse, get_tid_position
from restore_tidstorage import parse, get_tid_position
program = sys.argv[0]
def log(message):
print message
def cleanup(known_tid_storage_identifier_dict, keep_full_backup_count,
status_file_backup_dir, status_file):
if keep_full_backup_count <= 0:
raise ValueError("A number of full backups to keep must be specified.")
cleanup_list = []
date_len = 19
oldest_fsz = None # Oldest full backup to keep among all storages.
for file_path, storage_path, object_path \
in known_tid_storage_identifier_dict.itervalues():
# Find oldest full backup to keep for this storage -> fsz
fsz_list = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(storage_path, '*.fsz')))
fsz = fsz_list[max(0, len(fsz_list) - keep_full_backup_count)]
fsz, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fsz))
assert len(fsz) == date_len
if oldest_fsz is None or fsz < oldest_fsz:
oldest_fsz = fsz
# Clean up all repozo files older than fsz.
for path in glob.glob(os.path.join(storage_path, '*')):
date, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))
assert len(date) == date_len
if ext in ('.fsz', '.deltafsz', '.dat') and date < fsz:
# Clean up all status files older than oldest_fsz.
if oldest_fsz and status_file_backup_dir and status_file:
prefix = os.path.join(status_file_backup_dir,
os.path.basename(status_file) + '-')
path_len = len(prefix) + date_len
for path in glob.glob(prefix + '*'):
assert path.startswith(path) and len(path) == path_len
if path[-date_len:] < oldest_fsz:
return cleanup_list
def backup(known_tid_storage_identifier_dict, repozo_formated_command):
"""Backups all ZODB files"""
backup_count = 0
......@@ -193,7 +227,7 @@ def parseargs():
['help', 'verbose', 'quick', 'full',
'gzip', 'repository', 'repozo=',
'config=','recover', 'recover_check',
'tid_log=', 'cleanup'])
except getopt.error, msg:
usage(1, msg)
......@@ -203,11 +237,12 @@ def parseargs():
configuration_file_name = None
repozo_opts = ['-B']
known_tid_storage_identifier_dict = {}
recover = False
action = None
dry_run = False
status_file = None
status_file_backup_dir = None
recover_status_file = None
keep_full_backup_count = None
options = Options()
......@@ -223,9 +258,15 @@ def parseargs():
options.repozo_file_name = arg
elif opt in ('-R', '--recover', '--recover_check'):
options.repozo_opts[0] = '-R'
options.recover = True
if options.action:
usage(1, 'Only 1 command allowed.')
options.action = 'recover'
if opt == '--recover_check':
options.dry_run = True
elif opt in ('--cleanup'):
if options.action:
usage(1, 'Only 1 command allowed.')
options.action = 'cleanup'
elif opt in ('-r', '--repository'):
options.repozo_opts.append('%s %s' % (opt, arg))
elif opt in ('-t', '--tid_log'):
......@@ -250,7 +291,8 @@ def parseargs():
options.timestamp_file_path = module.timestamp_file_path
except AttributeError, msg:
usage(1, msg)
for option_id in ('status_file', 'status_file_backup_dir' ):
for option_id in ('status_file', 'status_file_backup_dir',
if getattr(options, option_id) is None:
setattr(options, option_id, getattr(module, option_id, None))
# XXX: we do not check any option this way, it's too dangerous.
......@@ -260,20 +302,27 @@ def parseargs():
def backupStatusFile(status_file,destination_directory):
file_name = os.path.basename(status_file) + '-' + '%04d-%02d-%02d-%02d-%02d-%02d' % time.gmtime()[:6]
copy(status_file, os.path.sep.join((destination_directory,file_name)))
log("Written status file backup as %s" % os.path.sep.join((destination_directory,file_name)))
copy(status_file, os.path.join(destination_directory, file_name))
log("Written status file backup as %s" % os.path.join(destination_directory, file_name))
def main():
options = parseargs()
if not options.recover and options.recover_status_file:
raise ValueError("Status file path only for recovering")
last_tid_dict = None
if options.recover_status_file:
if options.action != 'recover':
raise ValueError("Status file path only for recovering")
last_tid_dict = parse(options.recover_status_file)
if options.action == 'cleanup':
for path in cleanup(options.known_tid_storage_identifier_dict,
options.status_file_backup_dir, options.status_file):
return 0
repozo_formated_command = '%s %s -r "%%s"' % (options.repozo_file_name, ' '.join(options.repozo_opts))
if options.recover:
if options.action == 'recover':
timestamp_file = open(options.timestamp_file_path, 'r')
timestamp = ''
read_line = ' '
......@@ -35,3 +35,5 @@ timestamp_file_path = 'repozo_tidstorage_timestamp.log'
# place to put backuped TIDStorage status_file logs
status_file_backup_dir = '/home/vincent/tmp/repozo'
# When cleaning up old backups, keep this number of full backups.
keep_full_backup_count = 3
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