Commit 260caeb2 authored by Rafael Monnerat's avatar Rafael Monnerat 👻

Revert "slapos_subscription_request: Implement Wechat payment automatically redirect"

This reverts commit f629cf50.
parent dd9d7d74
......@@ -10,9 +10,11 @@ class WechatException(Exception):
super(WechatException, self).__init__(msg)
CREATE_IP = "" # The IP address which request the order to Wechat, aka: instance IP
# UFDODER_URL = "" # Wechat unified order API
UFDODER_URL = "" # Wechat unified order API
def generateRandomStr(random_length=24):
......@@ -64,7 +66,9 @@ def convert_xml_to_dict(xml_content):
return dict_content
def convert_dict_to_xml(dict_content):
def convert_dict_to_xml(self, dict_content):
wechat_account_configuration = self.ERP5Site_getWechatPaymentConfiguration()
dict_content['sign'] = calculateSign(dict_content, wechat_account_configuration['API_KEY'])
xml = ''
for key, value in dict_content.items():
xml += '<{0}>{1}</{0}>'.format(key, value)
......@@ -103,7 +107,7 @@ def getSandboxKey(self):
def getWechatQRCodeURL(self, order_id, price, amount):
portal = self.getPortalObject()
base_url = portal.absolute_url()
NOTIFY_URL = base_url + "/ERP5Site_receiveWechatPaymentCallback" # Wechat payment callback method
NOTIFY_URL = base_url + "/Base_receiveWechatPaymentNotify" # Wechat payment callback method
wechat_account_configuration = self.ERP5Site_getWechatPaymentConfiguration()
appid = wechat_account_configuration['APP_ID']
mch_id = wechat_account_configuration['MCH_ID']
......@@ -124,12 +128,11 @@ def getWechatQRCodeURL(self, order_id, price, amount):
params['nonce_str'] = nonce_str
params['out_trade_no'] = order_id.encode('utf-8')
# This is for sandbox test, sandbox need the total_fee equal to 101 exactly
# params['total_fee'] = 101 # int(-(price * 100)) # unit is Fen, 1 CNY = 100 Fen
params['total_fee'] = int(-(price * 100)) # unit is Fen, 1 CNY(RMB) = 100 Fen
# params['total_fee'] = 1 #int(-(price * 100)) # unit is Fen, 1 CNY = 100 Fen
# params['total_fee'] = 101 # int(-(price * 100)) # unit is Fen, 1 CHY = 100 Fen
params['total_fee'] = int(-(price * 100)) # unit is Fen, 1 CHY = 100 Fen
params['spbill_create_ip'] = spbill_create_ip
params['notify_url'] = notify_url
params['body'] = "Rapid Space Virtual Machine".encode('utf-8')
params['body'] = "Rapid Space VM machine".encode('utf-8')
params['trade_type'] = trade_type
# generate signature
......@@ -184,18 +187,14 @@ def receiveWechatPaymentNotify(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
wechat_account_configuration = self.ERP5Site_getWechatPaymentConfiguration()
params = convert_xml_to_dict(request.body)
# TODO: Currently we query wechat order by calling queryWechatOrderStatus manually
# Need to implement this too.
raise Exception(params)
return '''
wechat_account_configuration = self.ERP5Site_getWechatPaymentConfiguration()
params = convert_xml_to_dict(request.body)
if params.get("return_code") == "SUCCESS":
# Connection is ok
sign = params.pop('sign')
......@@ -230,6 +229,7 @@ def queryWechatOrderStatus(self, dict_content):
- transaction_id (str): wechat order number, use this in higher priority, it will return in the payment notify callback
- out_trade_no(str): The order ID used inside ERP5, less than 32 characters, digits, alphabets, and "_-|*@", unique in ERP5
return "XXXS"
if "transaction_id" not in dict_content and "out_trade_no" not in dict_content:
raise WechatException("transaction_id or out_trade_no is needed for query the Wechat Order")
wechat_account_configuration = self.ERP5Site_getWechatPaymentConfiguration()
......@@ -239,23 +239,16 @@ def queryWechatOrderStatus(self, dict_content):
"mch_id": wechat_account_configuration['MCH_ID'],
"nonce_str": generateRandomStr(),
# "transaction_id": dict_content.get("transaction_id", ""),
"transaction_id": dict_content.get("transaction_id", ""),
"out_trade_no": dict_content.get("out_trade_no", ""),
sign = calculateSign(params, wechat_account_configuration['API_KEY'])
params["sign"] = sign
xml_str = convert_dict_to_xml(params)
result = urllib2.Request(QUERY_URL, data=xml_str)
result_data = urllib2.urlopen(result)
result_read =
result_dict_content = convert_xml_to_dict(result_read)
return_code = result_dict_content['return_code']
if return_code == "SUCCESS":
result_code = result_dict_content['result_code']
if result_code == "SUCCESS":
return result_dict_content['trade_state']
raise Exception("Error description: {0}".format(result_dict_content.get("err_code_des")))
raise Exception("Error description: {0}".format(result_dict_content.get("return_msg")))
# xml_str = convert_dict_to_xml(params)
return None
# return "SUCCESS"
# result = urllib2.Request(QUERY_URL, data=xml_str)
# result_data = urllib2.urlopen(result)
# result_read =
#result_dict_content = convert_xml_to_dict(result_read)
......@@ -46,8 +46,8 @@
<key> <string>text_content_warning_message</string> </key>
<string>W:193, 2: Unreachable code (unreachable)</string>
<string>W:199, 2: Unreachable code (unreachable)</string>
<string>W:196, 2: Unreachable code (unreachable)</string>
<string>W:233, 2: Unreachable code (unreachable)</string>
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