Commit 3ae2fac4 authored by Rafael Monnerat's avatar Rafael Monnerat 👻

Revert "slapos_subscription_request: Real Wechat Payment in purchase step"

This reverts commit fca2f842.
parent 15649aeb
import random, string, hashlib, urllib2, socket
from urlparse import urlparse
import random, string, hashlib, urllib2
import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET
except ImportError:
......@@ -9,12 +8,28 @@ class WechatException(Exception):
def __init__(self, msg):
super(WechatException, self).__init__(msg)
# RapidSpace Wechat acocunt configuration
class Single(object):
_instance = None
def __new__(cls, *args, **kw):
if cls._instance is None:
cls._instance = object.__new__(cls, *args, **kw)
return cls._instance
def __init__(self):
def finishThePayment(self):
self.APP_ID = "XXX"
APP_ID = "wxadebca31430703b0" # Wechat public account appid
MCH_ID = "" # Wechat merchant account ID
API_KEY = "" # Wechat merchant platform( -->账户设置 -->API安全 -->密钥设置
CREATE_IP = "" # The IP address which request the order to Wechat, aka: instance IP
# UFDODER_URL = "" # Wechat unified order API
UFDODER_URL = "" # Wechat unified order API
NOTIFY_URL = "your IP: port/Method" # Wechat payment callback method
def generateRandomStr(random_length=24):
......@@ -66,9 +81,8 @@ def convert_xml_to_dict(xml_content):
return dict_content
def convert_dict_to_xml(self, dict_content):
wechat_account_configuration = self.ERP5Site_getWechatPaymentConfiguration()
dict_content['sign'] = calculateSign(dict_content, wechat_account_configuration['API_KEY'])
def convert_dict_to_xml(dict_content):
dict_content['sign'] = calculateSign(dict_content, API_KEY)
xml = ''
for key, value in dict_content.items():
xml += '<{0}>{1}</{0}>'.format(key, value)
......@@ -76,48 +90,16 @@ def convert_dict_to_xml(self, dict_content):
return xml
def getSandboxKey(self):
wechat_account_configuration = self.ERP5Site_getWechatPaymentConfiguration()
params = {}
params['mch_id'] = wechat_account_configuration['MCH_ID']
params['nonce_str'] = generateRandomStr()
params['sign'] = calculateSign(params, wechat_account_configuration['API_KEY'])
# construct XML str
request_xml_str = '<xml>'
for key, value in params.items():
if isinstance(value, basestring):
request_xml_str = '%s<%s><![CDATA[%s]]></%s>' % (request_xml_str, key, value, key, )
request_xml_str = '%s<%s>%s</%s>' % (request_xml_str, key, value, key, )
request_xml_str = '%s</xml>' % request_xml_str
result = urllib2.Request(SANDBOX_KEY_URL, data=request_xml_str)
result_data = urllib2.urlopen(result)
result_read =
result_dict_content = convert_xml_to_dict(result_read)
return_code = result_dict_content.get('return_code', '')
if return_code=="SUCCESS":
result_msg = result_dict_content['return_msg']
if result_msg=="ok":
sandbox_signkey = result_dict_content['sandbox_signkey']
return sandbox_signkey
raise Exception(result_dict_content['result_msg'].encode('utf-8'))
raise Exception("Get sanbox key failed: " + str(result_dict_content))
def getWechatQRCodeURL(self, order_id, price, amount):
portal = self.getPortalObject()
base_url = portal.absolute_url()
NOTIFY_URL = base_url + "/Base_receiveWechatPaymentNotify" # Wechat payment callback method
wechat_account_configuration = self.ERP5Site_getWechatPaymentConfiguration()
appid = wechat_account_configuration['APP_ID']
mch_id = wechat_account_configuration['MCH_ID']
key = wechat_account_configuration['API_KEY']
# This is for sandbox test
# key = getSandboxKey() # API_KEY
nonce_str = generateRandomStr()
product_name = "Pre-order " + amount + " RapidSpace VM "
result = urlparse(base_url)
spbill_create_ip = socket.gethostbyname(result.netloc)
# TODO: waiting for the APP_ID
mch_id = MCH_ID
key = API_KEY
nonce_str = generateRandomStr()
spbill_create_ip = CREATE_IP
notify_url = NOTIFY_URL
trade_type = "NATIVE"
......@@ -127,16 +109,14 @@ def getWechatQRCodeURL(self, order_id, price, amount):
params['mch_id'] = mch_id
params['nonce_str'] = nonce_str
params['out_trade_no'] = order_id.encode('utf-8')
# This is for sandbox test, sandbox need the total_fee equal to 101 exactly
# params['total_fee'] = 101 # int(-(price * 100)) # unit is Fen, 1 CHY = 100 Fen
params['total_fee'] = int(-(price * 100)) # unit is Fen, 1 CHY = 100 Fen
params['total_fee'] = amount * 100 # unit is Fen, 1 CHY = 100 Fen
params['spbill_create_ip'] = spbill_create_ip
params['notify_url'] = notify_url
params['body'] = "Rapid Space VM machine".encode('utf-8')
params['body'] = product_name.encode('utf-8')
params['trade_type'] = trade_type
# generate signature
params['sign'] = calculateSign(params, key)
params['sign'] = calculateSign(params, API_KEY)
# construct XML str
request_xml_str = '<xml>'
......@@ -157,11 +137,11 @@ def getWechatQRCodeURL(self, order_id, price, amount):
result_code = result_dict_content['result_code']
if result_code=="SUCCESS":
code_url = result_dict_content['code_url']
return code_url
return "weixin://wxpay/bizpayurl/up?pr=NwY5Mz9&groupid=00"
raise Exception("Error description: {0}".format(result_dict_content.get("err_code_des")))
print("Error description: {0}".format(result_dict_content.get("err_code_des")))
raise Exception("Error description: {0}".format(result_dict_content.get("return_msg")))
print("Error description: {0}".format(result_dict_content.get("return_msg")))
def receiveWechatPaymentNotify(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
......@@ -187,18 +167,11 @@ def receiveWechatPaymentNotify(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
return '''
wechat_account_configuration = self.ERP5Site_getWechatPaymentConfiguration()
params = convert_xml_to_dict(request.body)
if params.get("return_code") == "SUCCESS":
# Connection is ok
sign = params.pop('sign')
recalcualted_sign = calculateSign(params, wechat_account_configuration['API_KEY'])
recalcualted_sign = calculateSign(params, API_KEY)
if recalcualted_sign == sign:
if params.get("result_code", None) == "SUCCESS": # payment is ok
......@@ -229,20 +202,20 @@ def queryWechatOrderStatus(self, dict_content):
- transaction_id (str): wechat order number, use this in higher priority, it will return in the payment notify callback
- out_trade_no(str): The order ID used inside ERP5, less than 32 characters, digits, alphabets, and "_-|*@", unique in ERP5
return "XXXS"
if APP_ID == "XXX":
return "SUCCESS"
if "transaction_id" not in dict_content and "out_trade_no" not in dict_content:
raise WechatException("transaction_id or out_trade_no is needed for query the Wechat Order")
wechat_account_configuration = self.ERP5Site_getWechatPaymentConfiguration()
params = {
"appid": wechat_account_configuration['APP_ID'],
"mch_id": wechat_account_configuration['MCH_ID'],
"appid": APP_ID,
"mch_id": MCH_ID,
"nonce_str": generateRandomStr(),
"transaction_id": dict_content.get("transaction_id", ""),
"out_trade_no": dict_content.get("out_trade_no", ""),
sign = calculateSign(params, wechat_account_configuration['API_KEY'])
sign = calculateSign(params, API_KEY)
params["sign"] = sign
# xml_str = convert_dict_to_xml(params)
return None
......@@ -46,8 +46,9 @@
<key> <string>text_content_warning_message</string> </key>
<string>W:196, 2: Unreachable code (unreachable)</string>
<string>W:233, 2: Unreachable code (unreachable)</string>
<string>W: 27, 0: Cannot decode using encoding "ascii", unexpected byte at position 63 (invalid-encoded-data)</string>
<string>W: 98, 2: Unreachable code (unreachable)</string>
<string>W:139, 6: Unused variable \'code_url\' (unused-variable)</string>
# inspired by Pack_generateCode128BarcodeImage in sanef-evl project
code_url = code_url + "&trade_no=" + trade_no
return context.Base_generateBarcodeImage('qrcode', code_url)
......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
<key> <string>_params</string> </key>
<value> <string>code_url</string> </value>
<value> <string>code_url, trade_no</string> </value>
<key> <string>id</string> </key>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE=">
<global name="PythonScript" module="Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript"/>
<key> <string>Script_magic</string> </key>
<value> <int>3</int> </value>
<key> <string>_bind_names</string> </key>
<global name="NameAssignments" module="Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings"/>
<key> <string>_asgns</string> </key>
<key> <string>name_container</string> </key>
<value> <string>container</string> </value>
<key> <string>name_context</string> </key>
<value> <string>context</string> </value>
<key> <string>name_m_self</string> </key>
<value> <string>script</string> </value>
<key> <string>name_subpath</string> </key>
<value> <string>traverse_subpath</string> </value>
<key> <string>_params</string> </key>
<value> <string></string> </value>
<key> <string>id</string> </key>
<value> <string>ERP5Site_getWechatPaymentConfiguration</string> </value>
......@@ -43,17 +43,9 @@ payment = person.Person_restrictMethodAsShadowUser(
if batch_mode:
return {'subscription' : subscription_request.getRelativeUrl(), 'payment': payment.getRelativeUrl() }
def wrapGetPriceWithShadow(payment):
return payment.PaymentTransaction_getTotalPayablePrice()
price = person.Person_restrictMethodAsShadowUser(
if payment_mode == "wechat":
portal = context.getPortalObject()
code_url = portal.Base_getWechatCodeURL(subscription_request.getId(), price, user_input_dict["amount"])
code_url = portal.Base_getWechatCodeURL(subscription_request.getId(), payment.PaymentTransaction_getTotalPayablePrice(), user_input_dict["amount"])
web_site = context.getWebSiteValue()
base_url = web_site.absolute_url()
return context.REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(
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