• Sebastien Robin's avatar
    revert r37787 until it is improved, there is following problems : · 8e1755db
    Sebastien Robin authored
    - getProductLine on a Sale Order Line returns nothing
      even if there is a resource defined on the Sale Order
      Line and a product line on this resource (and base
      categories looks like to be well configured)
    - portal_type variable is already used in the method
      _getSingleCategoryAcquiredMembershipList, so
      doing "for portal_type in portal_type_list" makes giving any
      random value to the portal type variable
    - the portal_type variable can have duplicated portal types,
      in such case the following piece of code always return [],
      so duplicated needs to be removed :
           for portal_type in portal_type_list:
             key = (uid, base_category, portal_type)
             if key in _acquired_object_set:
               return []
    git-svn-id: https://svn.erp5.org/repos/public/erp5/trunk@38053 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
CategoryTool.py 79.1 KB