• Jérome Perrin's avatar
    core: drop text/comma-separated-values mime type · 7e35d0e7
    Jérome Perrin authored
    we use to have two entries for csv:
      - text/comma-separated-values
         - mimes: ["text/comma-separated-values"]
         - extensions: ["csv"]
         - globs: []
      - CSV document
         - mimes: ["text/csv", "text/x-comma-separated-values", "text/x-csv"]
         - extensions: []
         - globs: ["*.csv"]
    but text/comma-separated-values does not really exist, rfc4180 recommends
    The problem with this configuration is that when ERP5 picks a mime type
    for csv extension, it uses text/comma-separated-values, as this one has
    extensions set.
    Change the configuration to delete "text/comma-separated-values" and keep
    everything in "CSV document":
      - CSV document
         - mimes: ["text/csv", "text/x-comma-separated-values", "text/x-csv", "text/comma-separated-values"]
         - extensions: ["csv"]
         - globs: ["*.csv"]
mimetypes_registry.xml 1.84 MB
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