Commit 10d1f04f authored by Romain Courteaud's avatar Romain Courteaud

erp5_corporate_identity: downgrade heading with an attribute

Example: <h2 class="foo">bar</h2> => <h3 class="foo">bar</h3>
parent bb8474bf
......@@ -5,17 +5,15 @@ Downgrade headers in passed content by 1 or number of levels specified
import re
def pushDown(level):
return ''.join(["h", str(level), ">"])
REGEXP = re.compile('<h([1-6]).*>.*</h([1-6])>')
for header in re.findall("<h[1-6].*</h[1-6]>", content or ""):
header_list = re.findall("<(h[1-6]>)", header)
if len(header_list):
tag = header_list[0] #h2>
key = tag[1]
content = content.replace(
header.replace(tag, pushDown(int(key) + (downgrade or 1)))
def pushDown(regexp_match):
text = '%r' %
start_level =
stop_level =
if (start_level == stop_level):
next_level = "%i" % (int(start_level) + downgrade)
text = '<h' + next_level + text[4:-3] + next_level + '>'
return text
return content
return REGEXP.sub(pushDown, content)
  • @frequent when applying this patch on my branch, the corporate identity tests fail when comparing the new output document.

    Can you confirm that the correct way for me to update the test is only to copy/paste manually the data from the test result logs?

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