Commit 224f9899 authored by Ivan Tyagov's avatar Ivan Tyagov

Implemented global clearCache() for backwards compatability with old Caching...

Implemented global clearCache() for backwards compatability with old Caching system as well some tests.

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent d96e0444
......@@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ import string
from time import time
from AccessControl.SecurityInfo import allow_class
from AccessControl import getSecurityManager
#from Products import ERP5Cache
from zLOG import LOG
is_cache_initialized = 0
def initializePortalCachingProperties(self):
......@@ -84,7 +84,6 @@ class CacheFactory:
quick_cached = self.quick_cache.get(cache_id, scope)
if quick_cached is not None:
#print "HIT RAM", self.quick_cache
return quick_cached.getValue()
## not in local, check if it's in shared
......@@ -164,19 +163,18 @@ class CachingMethod:
self.callable_object = callable_object
self.cache_duration = cache_duration
self.cache_factory = cache_factory
def __call__(self, *args, **kwd):
""" Call the method or return cached value using appropriate cache plugin """
## CachingMethod is global Zope class and thus we must make sure
#erp5_site_id = kwd.get('portal_path', ('','erp5'))[1]
## cache scope is based on user which is a kwd argument
scope = kwd.get('scope', 'GLOBAL')
scope = kwd.get('scope', DEFAULT_CACHE_SCOPE)
## generate unique cache id
cache_id = self.generateCacheId(, *args, **kwd)
## try to get value from cache in a try block
## which is faster than checking for keys
......@@ -195,17 +193,25 @@ class CachingMethod:
def generateCacheId(self, method_id, *args, **kwd):
""" Generate proper cache id based on *args and **kwd """
cache_id = [method_id]
key_list = kwd.keys()
for arg in args:
cache_id.append((None, arg))
for key in key_list:
cache_id.append((key, str(kwd[key])))
cache_id = str(cache_id)
## because some cache backends don't allow some chars in cached id we make sure to replace them
cache_id = cache_id.translate(self._cache_id_translate_table)
return cache_id
if args==() and kwd == {}:
## we have static method_id without any argument passed
## so we return it as it is.
return str(method_id)
## generate cache id out of arguments passed.
## depending on arguments we may have different
## cache_id for same method_id
cache_id = [method_id]
key_list = kwd.keys()
for arg in args:
cache_id.append((None, arg))
for key in key_list:
cache_id.append((key, str(kwd[key])))
cache_id = str(cache_id)
## because some cache backends don't allow some chars in cached id we make sure to replace them
cache_id = cache_id.translate(self._cache_id_translate_table)
return cache_id
......@@ -235,10 +241,20 @@ def disableReadOnlyTransactionCache(context):
## TODO: Check if it make sense to keep them any more ##
def clearCache(method_id=None):
def clearCache(method_id = None, scope = DEFAULT_CACHE_SCOPE):
Clear the cache.
If method_id is specified, it clears the cache only for this method,
otherwise, it clears the whole cache.
otherwise, it clears the whole cache. Make sure to specify scope otherwise
default one will be used.
if method_id is not None:
## clear cache factories and plugins for specified method_id
for cf_id, cf_obj in CachingMethod.factories.items():
for cp in cf_obj.getCachePluginList():
cp.delete(method_id, scope)
## clear (flush) whole cache
for cf_obj in CachingMethod.factories.values():
for cp in cf_obj.getCachePluginList():
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