Commit 2c3f91c5 authored by Romain Courteaud's avatar Romain Courteaud

erp5_document_scanner: fix desactivation of the new page button

parent d4db6519
......@@ -395,7 +395,7 @@
thumbnail_dom_list.push(domsugar('button', {type: 'button',
text: result_list[0],
// Do not allow to show again the current image
disabled: (len === gadget.state.display_index - 1),
disabled: (gadget.state.display_index === null) || (len === gadget.state.display_index - 1),
"class": 'new-btn ui-btn-icon-left ui-icon-plus'
return domsugar('ol', {"class": "thumbnail-list"}, thumbnail_dom_list);
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