Commit 30326e34 authored by Fabien Morin's avatar Fabien Morin

fix some mistakes. Nothing is tested for this file

This file will be removed because a syncml server will be integrated to erp5

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent cfeef4c8
......@@ -20,15 +20,15 @@ class OptionParser(OptionParser):
self.error("%s option not supplied" % option)
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option("--host", help="address of this small server (typically, it's the ip of this computer)")
parser.add_option("--publication", help="address of the publication (e.g. http://localhost:9080/erp5Serv)")
parser.add_option("-p", "--port", type="int", help="port used by this server (default is 1234)", default=1234)
cmd_parser = OptionParser()
cmd_parser.add_option("--host", help="address of this small server (typically, it's the ip of this computer)")
cmd_parser.add_option("--publication", help="address of the publication (e.g. http://localhost:9080/erp5Serv)")
cmd_parser.add_option("-p", "--port", type="int", help="port used by this server (default is 1234)", default=1234)
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
(options, args) = cmd_parser.parse_args()
......@@ -54,6 +54,8 @@ syncml_server_url = 'http://%s:%s' % (Host, Port)
#socket :
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) # reuse the same socket
# if already open
......@@ -75,6 +77,9 @@ def xml2wbxml(xml):
convert xml string to wbxml using a temporary file
import os
# XXX we must check at the begining if xml2wbxml is installed
# it seems that now there is a python biding for this : pywbxml
f = open('/tmp/xml2wbxml', 'w')
......@@ -138,7 +143,10 @@ def getClientUrl(text):
find the client url in the text and return it
document = etree.XML(text, parser=parser)
# XXX this xpath expression have to be rewrited in a generic way to handle
# namspace
client_url = '%s' % document.xpath('string(//SyncHdr/Source/LocURI)')
# client_url = '%s' % document.xpath('string(//syncml:SyncHdr/syncml:Source/syncml:LocURI)', namespaces={'syncml':'SYNCML:SYNCML1.2'})
return client_url
def sendResponse(text, to_url, client_url):
......@@ -157,7 +165,7 @@ def sendResponse(text, to_url, client_url):
text = text.replace(client_url, syncml_server_url)
print "text = ",text
to_encode['text'] = text
to_encode['text'] = text
to_encode['sync_id'] = 'Person'
headers = {'Content-type': 'application/vnd.syncml+xml'}
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