1. 29 Jun, 2016 2 commits
    • Douglas's avatar
      erp5_data_notebook: moves variables and setup storage from ActiveProcess to... · 11eb5168
      Douglas authored
      erp5_data_notebook: moves variables and setup storage from ActiveProcess to `notebook_context` property
      Notebook's variables and setup were being stored in an ActiveProcess, which is
      not needed anymore, because now everything related to user context can be
      safely stored in the ZODB.
      They are stored in a `notebook_context` property of the Data Notebook
      itself. Code and tests were updated properly. The old `process` property was removed.
      All the references to *_variable_dict were renamed to  *_notebook_context, documentation
      and tests were updated. Related objects like scripts and external methods were renamed
      To store objects in the `notebook_context` property we do 2 different tests: the first
      to check if the object can be serialized by `ZODB.serialize.ObjectWriter`. If the first
      test fails we test if the object can be serialized by cPickle. For the second test we
      need to dump & load the object to be completely sure that it can be correctly loaded
      The function called by the Base_runJupyterCode external method was renamed from
      Base_compileJupyterCode to Base_runJupyterCode be more consistent and avoid confusion.
      All errors while running setup functions and now properly propagated to the user
      interface in Jupyter and code execution is aborted.
    • Douglas's avatar
      erp5_data_notebook: environment object implementation and refactoring to ERP5 kernel · 5eb44e82
      Douglas authored
      - An environment object was implemented to help us deal with the multiprocess
      architecture of ERP5 and objects that cannot be easily stored in the ZODB.
      It stores definition of functions, classes and variables as string. The implementation
      uses a dumb Environment class to allow users to make `define` and `undefine` calls,
      which are captured and processed by an AST transformer before code execution.
      - Along with the environment object, an automatic "import fixer" was created. It does
      not allow users to import modules as they normally would, because this may cause
      collateral effects on other users' code. A good example is the plot settings in the
      matplotlib module. It will fix normal imports, make them use the environment object
      mentione earlier automatically and warn the user about it.
      A few bugs were fixed with this implementation, for example:
      - https://nexedi.erp5.net/bug_module/20160318-7098DD, which reports an inconsistency
      on portal catalog queries between Jupyter and Python (Script) objects. Probably an
      issue with user context storage in ActiveProcess
      - https://nexedi.erp5.net/bug_module/20160330-13AA193, which reports an error related
      to acquisition when trying to plot images, which happened in other situations, although
      this is not officially reported in Nexedi's ERP5. This probably also was happening because
      of old user context storage.
  2. 17 Jun, 2016 5 commits
  3. 15 Jun, 2016 2 commits
  4. 14 Jun, 2016 6 commits
  5. 13 Jun, 2016 5 commits
  6. 10 Jun, 2016 5 commits
  7. 09 Jun, 2016 15 commits