1. 06 Mar, 2020 4 commits
    • Romain Courteaud's avatar
      erp5_web_renderjs_ui: Replace appcache by a service worker · 4f530f85
      Romain Courteaud authored
      Chrome will deprecate appcache in the coming weeks.
      As appcache has been dropped on Firefox, this change will improve the speed on Firefox.
      The service worker only provide a cache for all ERP5JS gadgets.
      ERP5JS will still be usable on browser without service worker API.
      The list of files to cache is directly added inside the service worker
      code, in order to be able to skip the usage of the fetch method (which
      does not yet cover all browser HTTP usage).
      This list is configurable on the web site level.
      No need to change the service worker code directly.
      The service worker will be updated as soon as the web site modification date changes.
      End user does not need to reload its browser tab.
      Only browsing ERP5JS will trigger the service worker update.
      When a new update is found, ERP5JS will automatically reload itself if
      there is no risk of losing user data input.
      An empty appcache is kept, to allow migration of existing client to the
      worker automatically.
    • Romain Courteaud's avatar
    • Romain Courteaud's avatar
    • Romain Courteaud's avatar
      erp5_gadget_interface_validator: stop relying on appcache · 82d84bd1
      Romain Courteaud authored
      Use the precache script to get the list of gadgets.
      Ensure to also check the launcher gadget.
      Report subgadget service error.
  2. 05 Mar, 2020 17 commits
  3. 04 Mar, 2020 1 commit
  4. 03 Mar, 2020 8 commits
  5. 02 Mar, 2020 5 commits
  6. 28 Feb, 2020 3 commits
    • Georgios Dagkakis's avatar
    • Vincent Pelletier's avatar
      ERP5Type.mixin.ResponseHeaderGenerator: New class. · 50c48dbd
      Vincent Pelletier authored
      Make ERP5Type.Base and ERP5.ERP5Site inherit from it.
    • Vincent Pelletier's avatar
      ERP5Type.Core.Folder.Folder: Inherit from our classes first. · 133d6655
      Vincent Pelletier authored
      Allows Base to consistently override methods which are also overridden in
      CMF where CMF implementation does not propagate the call to other
      superclasses (ex: __before_publishing_traverse__ as of CMFCore-2.2.10).
      Also allows simplifying several inheritance fixups.
      Also, use super() instead of explicit resolution to Base.
      Also: testBusinessTemplate: drop dead monkey-patch.
      _getCopy is called during BusinessTemplate installation, but not the one
      on this class. Which prevents reordering class inheritance between
      SimpleItem and copy support classes.
      So this is dead code which is not even explaining what it is trying to do
      (ex: what document should it really not be called on ? what effect of this
      method is undesired ? why is the method attached to this class ? why is
      the cleanup restoring the original method, when this class does not have
      this method to begin with but it merely gets it from its superclasses
      which are re-inherited from by documents hence overriding it anyway ?,
      and it is getting in the way of reordering class inheritance so it goes
      Also: ERP5Type.patches.CMFBTreeFolder: Fold patch onto ERP5Type.Core.Folder.
      All ERP5UI-visible (hence needing to call allowedContentTypes) BTReeFolder2
      instances should already inherit ERP5Type.Core.Folder, removing the need
      for this monkey-patch.
  7. 27 Feb, 2020 2 commits