• Romain Courteaud's avatar
    [erp5_web_renderjs_ui] Do not rewrite the header when a field changes · 6ad8df10
    Romain Courteaud authored
    Rewritting the header means removing the submit button from the DOM, and losing the submit event.
    * modify an input value
    * click (with the mouse/touch) the Save button
    * browser with submit 'change' event on the input and 'click' event on the button
    * if 'change' event is triggered before, it will lead to the header rewrite. The 'click' event on the button will lead to a form 'submit' event, which will not be catched by the gadget, as the form is already outside the DOM
rjs_gadget_erp5_header_js.xml 23.5 KB