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Commit 2584d101 authored by Tristan Cavelier's avatar Tristan Cavelier

davstorage.tests.js fallback to sinon created to pass tests without real server

parent 34875bba
......@@ -59,16 +59,82 @@
if (use_fake_server) {
/*jslint regexp: true */
server = sinon.fakeServer.create();
server.autoRespond = true;
server.autoRespondAfter = 5;
server.respondWith(/.*/, function (xhr) {
var response = responses.shift();
if (response) {
return xhr.respond.apply(xhr, response);
// server = sinon.fakeServer.create();
// server.autoRespond = true;
// server.autoRespondAfter = 5;
// server.respondWith(/.*/, function (xhr) {
// var response = responses.shift();
// if (response) {
// return xhr.respond.apply(xhr, response);
// }
// ok(false, "No response associated to the latest request!");
// });
// Awaiting for some sinon js improvements to manage 'blob' xhr response
// type. This hack overrides the jIO util ajax method which is used by
// dav storage connector to do http requests. To restore the sinon js
// fake server, just uncomment the above lines.
server = {restore: function () {
jIO.util.ajax = function (param) {
var timeout, xhr = {}, response = responses.shift(), statusTexts = {
"404": "Not Found"
if (!Array.isArray(response)) {
setTimeout(function () {
throw new ReferenceError("Fake server, no response set for " +
JSON.stringify(param, null, ' '));
ok(false, "No response associated to the latest request!");
xhr.readyState = 1;
xhr.setRequestHeader = function () {
xhr.getResponseHeader = function (name) {
return response[1][name];
return new RSVP.Promise(function (resolve, reject, notify) {
var k;
xhr.readyState = 4;
xhr.status = response[0];
xhr.statusText = statusTexts[response[0]];
xhr.responseType = param.dataType || "";
timeout = setTimeout(function () {
/*global Blob*/
if (xhr.responseType === 'blob') {
xhr.response = new Blob([response[2]], {
"type": response[1]["Content-Type"] ||
response[1]["Content-type"] ||
response[1]["content-type"] || ''
} else if (xhr.responseType === 'json') {
xhr.responseText = response[2];
try {
xhr.response = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
} catch (e) { // XXX
xhr.responseText = undefined;
xhr.status = 0;
xhr.statusText = "Parse Error"; // XXX
} else {
xhr.response = xhr.responseText = response[2];
// XXX ArrayBuffer
if (xhr.status >= 400 || xhr.status === 0) {
return reject({"target": xhr});
resolve({"target": xhr});
}, 10);
// XXX on error (if necessary)
// XXX on progress
if (typeof param.beforeSend === 'function') {
}, function () {
} else {
responses.push = function () {
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