Commit 61478d22 authored by Romain Courteaud's avatar Romain Courteaud 🐙

Test indexeddb perf

parent fab180d6
......@@ -74,16 +74,10 @@
var jio_options = {
type: "uuid",
sub_storage: {
type: "index2",
database: index_idb_name,
type: "indexeddb",
database: document_idb_name,
index_keys: ["title", "portal_type"],
sub_storage: {
type: "query",
sub_storage: {
type: "indexeddb",
database: document_idb_name
version: 3
document_count = 10000,
......@@ -157,19 +151,19 @@
.then(function () {
return checkQueryListSpeed(
{limit: [0, 1]},
// {limit: [0, 1]},
// Monovalued index
{query: 'portal_type:"Jio Perf"'},
{query: 'portal_type:"Jio Perf"', limit: [0, 1]},
{query: 'portal_type:"NOTMATCHING"'},
{subquery: 'portal_type:"Jio Perf"'},
// {query: 'portal_type:"Jio Perf"', limit: [0, 1]},
{subquery: 'portal_type:"NOTMATCHING"'},
// Multi valued index
{query: 'title:"12345"'},
{query: 'title:"12345"', limit: [0, 1]},
{query: 'title:"NOTMATCHING"'},
{subquery: 'title:"12345"'},
// {query: 'title:"12345"', limit: [0, 1]},
{subquery: 'title:"NOTMATCHING"'},
// No index
{query: 'modification_date:"12345"'},
{query: 'modification_date:"12345"', limit: [0, 1]},
{query: 'modification_date:"NOTMATCHING"'}
{subquery: 'modification_date:"12345"'},
// {query: 'modification_date:"12345"', limit: [0, 1]},
{subquery: 'modification_date:"NOTMATCHING"'}
.fail(function (error) {
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