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Commit 749d779e authored by Marco Mariani's avatar Marco Mariani

custom keys: accent folding example

parent aed2d3c3
/*jslint indent: 2, maxlen: 120, nomen: true, vars: true */
/*global define, exports, require, module, complex_queries, window, test, ok,
deepEqual, sinon */
equal, deepEqual, sinon */
// define([module_name], [dependencies], module);
(function (dependencies, module) {
......@@ -431,4 +431,74 @@
// This method is provided as an example.
// A more robust solution to manage diacritics is recommended for production
// environments, with unicode normalization, like (untested):
var accentFold = function (s) {
var map = [
[new RegExp('\\s', 'gi'), ''],
[new RegExp('[àáâãäå]', 'gi'), 'a'],
[new RegExp('æ', 'gi'), 'ae'],
[new RegExp('ç', 'gi'), 'c'],
[new RegExp('[èéêë]', 'gi'), 'e'],
[new RegExp('[ìíîï]', 'gi'), 'i'],
[new RegExp('ñ', 'gi'), 'n'],
[new RegExp('[òóôõö]', 'gi'), 'o'],
[new RegExp('œ', 'gi'), 'oe'],
[new RegExp('[ùúûü]', 'gi'), 'u'],
[new RegExp('[ýÿ]', 'gi'), 'y'],
[new RegExp('\\W', 'gi'), '']
map.forEach(function (o) {
var rep = function (match) {
if (match.toUpperCase() === match) {
return o[1].toUpperCase();
return o[1];
s = s.replace(o[0], rep);
return s;
test('Accent folding', function () {
equal(accentFold('àéîöùç'), 'aeiouc');
equal(accentFold('ÀÉÎÖÙÇ'), 'AEIOUC');
test('Query with accent folding (exact matching)', function () {
/*jslint unparam: true*/
var doc_list, docList = function () {
return [
{'identifier': 'àéîöùç'},
{'identifier': 'ÀÉÎÖÙÇ'},
{'identifier': 'b'}
}, keys = {
identifier: {
readFrom: 'identifier',
defaultMatch: function (object_value, value, wildcard_character) {
// XXX todo: regexp & support wildcard_character
return accentFold(object_value) === accentFold(value);
/*jslint unparam: false*/
doc_list = docList();
type: 'simple',
key: keys.identifier,
value: 'aeiouc'
deepEqual(doc_list, [
{'identifier': 'àéîöùç'}
], 'It should be possible to query for an exact match regardless of accents');
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