Commit 1fa68fe6 authored by Romain Courteaud's avatar Romain Courteaud 🐙

slapos_subscription_request: XXX did not find if category can have a precision

parent 3276d950
......@@ -83,8 +83,9 @@ if (0 < unused_day_count):
sale_packing_list_cell = sale_packing_list_line
quantity = open_sale_order_cell.getQuantity() * (unused_day_count / (next_period_date - start_date))
# precision = context.getQuantityPrecisionFromResource(subscription_request.getResourceValue())
precision = context.getQuantityPrecisionFromResource(open_sale_order_cell.getResourceValue())
# precision = context.getQuantityPrecisionFromResource(open_sale_order_cell.getResourceValue())
# XXX Stock does not seem to use quantity unit precision...
precision = 2
# Use currency precision to reduce the float length
quantity = float(('%%0.%sf' % precision) % quantity)
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