Commit 2d751a8f authored by Romain Courteaud's avatar Romain Courteaud 🐙

slapos_subscription_request: fixup variable name

parent b7ceaeef
......@@ -29,11 +29,11 @@ if subscription_request is not None:
# Find matching Service
service = None
source_decision_value = None
destination_decision_value = None
resource_vcl = []
if item.getPortalType() == 'Instance Tree':
service, software_release, software_type = item.InstanceTree_getSoftwareProduct()
source_decision_value = item.getDestinationSectionValue(portal_type="Person")
destination_decision_value = item.getDestinationSectionValue(portal_type="Person")
if service is not None:
resource_vcl = [
# Do not set the software release as variation
......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ elif item.getPortalType() == 'Compute Node':
resource_vcl = None
project_value = item.getFollowUpValue(portal_type="Project")
if project_value is not None:
source_decision_value = project_value.getDestinationValue(portal_type="Person")
destination_decision_value = project_value.getDestinationValue(portal_type="Person")
raise ValueError('Unsupported portal type: %s (%s)' % (item.getPortalType(), item.getRelativeUrl()))
# service = self.portal.restrictedTraverse('service_module/slapos_virtual_master_subscription')
......@@ -58,12 +58,12 @@ if service is None:
storeWorkflowComment(item, 'Can not find a matching Service to generate the Subscription Request')
if source_decision_value is None:
if destination_decision_value is None:
storeWorkflowComment(item, 'Can not find the person to contact to generate the Subscription Request')
subscription_request = service.Resource_createSubscriptionRequest(source_decision_value, resource_vcl, project_value)
subscription_request = service.Resource_createSubscriptionRequest(destination_decision_value, resource_vcl, project_value)
except AssertionError, error:
storeWorkflowComment(item, str(error))
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