Commit bfdc9ca3 authored by Rafael Monnerat's avatar Rafael Monnerat 👻

slapos_crm: Fix mistake on reports (on the name of the property).

parent 6a8a1a19
......@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ for creation_date in creation_date_list:
line = newTempDocument(context, '%s' % creation_date.replace("/", "_"), **{
"uid": "%s_%s" % (context.getUid(), len(stats_list)),
"title": creation_date,
"event_user_amount": countSupportRequest(creation_date, resource_uid='NOT %s' % monitor_resource_uid),
"user_amount": countEvent(creation_date, resource_uid='NOT %s' % monitor_resource_uid),
"event_user_amount": countEvent(creation_date, resource_uid='NOT %s' % monitor_resource_uid),
"user_amount": countSupportRequest(creation_date, resource_uid='NOT %s' % monitor_resource_uid),
"monitor_amount": countSupportRequest(creation_date, resource_uid=monitor_resource_uid),
"event_monitor_amount": countEvent(creation_date, resource_uid=monitor_resource_uid)})
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