1. 17 Apr, 2012 4 commits
    • Łukasz Nowak's avatar
      Simplify alarm based PayZen interface. · ff0522d5
      Łukasz Nowak authored
      Consider all planned or confirmed transactions and take actions based on
      transaction status.
    • Łukasz Nowak's avatar
      WIP: Stabilise PayZen integration. · dbf12d4d
      Łukasz Nowak authored
      Avoid using started state, as it is impossible for customer to move Payment
      Transaction into this state.
      Just use planned and confirmed states and synchronously try to move to confirmed
      when user tries to access the transaction.
      Support a case when customer will leave Vifib.net site but will not finish the payment.
      In such case just propose him to pay again the transaction, and if required, setup
      newer PayZen integration id (eg. in case of big, like a day, delay).
      In case if transaction was proposed to be paid and user sucessfully paid it before
      update immediately transaction status.
    • Łukasz Nowak's avatar
      Support long outstanding transactions. · 09f12d8e
      Łukasz Nowak authored
    • Łukasz Nowak's avatar
      Support confirmed transactions. · ca4b4ad7
      Łukasz Nowak authored
  2. 16 Apr, 2012 14 commits
  3. 13 Apr, 2012 4 commits
  4. 12 Apr, 2012 8 commits
  5. 11 Apr, 2012 8 commits
  6. 10 Apr, 2012 2 commits