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Commit 08380130 authored by Nicolas Dumazet's avatar Nicolas Dumazet

Extend Extra/CSS test to make it verbose and to test both editable and

non-editable fields.
Test LinesField fields. It turns out that non-editable LinesField are not
supporting extra/CSS attributes at the moment when used in listboxes

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent c8b626fe
......@@ -296,31 +296,47 @@ return []
# Make sure that word is there
self.assertEqual(rendered_listbox.find(word) > 0, True)
def test_07_ExtraAndCssFieldsInIntegerField(self, quiet=0, run=run_all_test):
def _helperExtraAndCssInListboxLine(self, field_type, editable):
Check that css_class and extra fields are rendered when used in a
listbox_xxx line, using IntegerField for the check.
Create a listbox_xxx field, in the hidden group, that defines
identifiable CSS classes and extra properties.
- field_type: type of the field which is created
- editable: boolean, defines if the field should be defined as editable
Render the field in the listbox, and check that CSS and extra are
present in the rendered HTML
Field names and Ids are generated to be unique for each
(field_type, editable) entry.
portal = self.getPortal()
field_name = field_type.lower()
if editable:
field_name += '_editable'
field_id = 'listbox_' + field_name
# Reset listbox properties
listbox = portal.FooModule_viewFooList.listbox
field_list_method = 'portal_catalog',
field_columns = ['extra | Check extra',],
field_columns = ['%s | Check extra' % field_name,],
form = portal.FooModule_viewFooList
form.manage_addField('listbox_extra', 'extra', 'IntegerField')
integerfield = form.listbox_extra
word = 'dummy_%s_to_check_for_in_listbox_test'
extra = word % "extra"
css_class = word % "css_class"
integerfield.values['extra'] = "alt='%s'" % extra
integerfield.values['css_class'] = css_class
integerfield.values['default'] = '42'
form.manage_addField(field_id, field_name, field_type)
field = getattr(form, field_id)
word = '%s_dummy_%%s_to_check_for_in_listbox_test' % field_name
extra = word % 'extra'
css_class = word % 'css_class'
field.values['extra'] = "alt='%s'" % extra
field.values['css_class'] = css_class
field.values['default'] = '42'
field.values['editable'] = editable
# Create an new empty object with a list property
foo_module = portal.foo_module
......@@ -334,9 +350,32 @@ return []
request['here'] = portal.foo_module
rendered_listbox = listbox.render(REQUEST=request)
# Make sure that the extras and css_classes
self.assertTrue(extra in rendered_listbox)
self.assertTrue(css_class in rendered_listbox)
if editable:
editable_text = 'An editable'
editable_text = 'A non-editable'
error_msg = "%s %s used as a listbox cell does not render properly the " \
"'%%s' property" % (editable_text, field_type)
# Make sure that the extras and css_classes are rendered
self.assertTrue(extra in rendered_listbox, error_msg % 'extra')
self.assertTrue(css_class in rendered_listbox, error_msg % 'css_class')
def test_07_ExtraAndCssFieldsInIntegerField(self, quiet=0, run=run_all_test):
Check that css_class and extra fields are rendered when used in a
listbox_xxx line, using IntegerField for the check.
self._helperExtraAndCssInListboxLine("IntegerField", True)
self._helperExtraAndCssInListboxLine("IntegerField", False)
def test_08_ExtraAndCssFieldsInLinesField(self, quiet=0, run=run_all_test):
Check that css_class and extra fields are rendered when used in a
listbox_xxx line, using LinesField for the check.
self._helperExtraAndCssInListboxLine("LinesField", True)
self._helperExtraAndCssInListboxLine("LinesField", False)
def test_ObjectSupport(self):
# make sure listbox supports rendering of simple objects
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