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Commit 681b9f5e authored by Fabien Morin's avatar Fabien Morin

update ERP5Site_getSecurityFromLatestWorkflowHistory to remove workflow hardcoded value

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent c81fb86a
......@@ -79,23 +79,31 @@ The parameters are\n
NOTE: for now, this script requires proxy manager\n
from Products.CMFCore.WorkflowCore import WorkflowException\n
portal_workflow = context.getPortalObject().portal_workflow\n
history_list = context.portal_workflow.getInfoFor(ob=context, \n
name=\'history\', wf_id=\'egov_universal_workflow\')\n
# reverse the list to get the first assign user\n
history_list = list(history_list)\n
last_site, last_group, last_function, last_user = (None, None, None, None)\n
for history_line in history_list:\n
if history_line.has_key(\'assigned_group\') and history_line[\'assigned_group\']:\n
last_group = history_line[\'assigned_group\']\n
last_function = history_line[\'assigned_function\']\n
last_site = history_line[\'assigned_site\']\n
if history_line.has_key(\'assigned_user\') and history_line[\'assigned_user\']:\n
last_user = history_line[\'assigned_user\']\n
wf_list = [x for x, y in context.getWorkflowStateItemList()]\n
for wf_id in wf_list: \n
history_list = context.portal_workflow.getInfoFor(ob=context, \n
name=\'history\', wf_id=wf_id)\n
except WorkflowException:\n
# reverse the list to get the first assign user\n
history_list = list(history_list)\n
for history_line in history_list:\n
if history_line.has_key(\'assigned_group\') and history_line[\'assigned_group\']:\n
last_group = history_line[\'assigned_group\']\n
last_function = history_line[\'assigned_function\']\n
last_site = history_line[\'assigned_site\']\n
if history_line.has_key(\'assigned_user\') and history_line[\'assigned_user\']:\n
last_user = history_line[\'assigned_user\']\n
if last_group:\n
return [{\'function\': last_function,\n
......@@ -159,17 +167,25 @@ return []\n
2008-10-20 fabien
* update ERP5Site_getSecurityFromLatestWorkflowHistory to remove workflow hardcoded value
2008-10-16 fabien
* change css to have all the tabs of the forms (actions) on the right instead of have the first on right and the others in the middle
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