Commit b98e32af authored by Alain Takoudjou's avatar Alain Takoudjou

stack monitor: update md5sum

parent eeab64e0
No related merge requests found
......@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ recipe = slapos.recipe.template:jinja2
filename = template-monitor.cfg
template = ${:_profile_base_location_}/
rendered = ${buildout:directory}/template-monitor.cfg
md5sum = b6da7709da533c5c8280e5e103809c58
md5sum = 354da434447697b8b4f503a62599cf32
context =
key apache_location apache:location
key gzip_location gzip:location
......@@ -131,13 +131,13 @@ depends =
<= monitor-template-script
filename =
md5sum = 6db3d9fcfff32c556f2bedee804ffb47
md5sum = 3166f5d110fda63aade1ca486dfb7996
recipe = slapos.recipe.template:jinja2
template = ${:_profile_base_location_}/scripts/
rendered = ${buildout:parts-directory}/monitor-scripts/
md5sum = 5694920c5789f4d953cb5d41adfa7f8b
md5sum = 2570b11cd1f718f240a9c7a05ffa861d
mode = 0755
context =
raw python ${buildout:directory}/bin/${extra-eggs:interpreter}
......@@ -155,12 +155,12 @@ md5sum = f297779d0881f4bd48081506efb492a4
<= monitor-template-script
filename =
md5sum = 384a1148cb3da9cf353a108fe70709c5
md5sum = 1ebead4480d62d5e1d2612c2d9f4e1d8
<= monitor-template-script
filename =
md5sum = cc65aebd4c35b3172a7ca83abde761bc
md5sum = 78fbcb56761315bde354fe7914d3c54f
<= monitor-template-script
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