SQLQueue.py 19.4 KB
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# Copyright (c) 2002,2007 Nexedi SA and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
#                    Jean-Paul Smets-Solanes <jp@nexedi.com>
# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
# programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential
# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
# garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
# Service Company
# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

from Products.CMFActivity.ActivityTool import registerActivity
from RAMQueue import RAMQueue
from DateTime import DateTime
from Products.CMFActivity.ActiveObject import INVOKE_ERROR_STATE, VALIDATE_ERROR_STATE
from Products.CMFActivity.Errors import ActivityFlushError
from ZODB.POSException import ConflictError
from types import ClassType
import sys
from time import time

  from transaction import get as get_transaction
except ImportError:

from zLOG import LOG, WARNING, ERROR


priority_weight = \
  [1] * 64 + \
  [2] * 20 + \
  [3] * 10 + \
  [4] * 5 + \
  [5] * 1


class SQLQueue(RAMQueue):
    A simple OOBTree based queue. It should be compatible with transactions
    and provide sequentiality. Should not create conflict
    because use of OOBTree.
  def prepareQueueMessage(self, activity_tool, m):
    if m.is_registered:
      id_tool = activity_tool.getPortalObject().portal_ids
      uid = id_tool.generateNewLengthId(id_group='portal_activity_queue', store=0)
      activity_tool.SQLQueue_writeMessage(uid = uid,
                                          path = '/'.join(m.object_path) ,
                                          method_id = m.method_id,
                                          priority = m.activity_kw.get('priority', 1),
                                          broadcast = m.activity_kw.get('broadcast', 0),
                                          message = self.dumpMessage(m),
                                          date = m.activity_kw.get('at_date', DateTime()),
                                          tag = m.activity_kw.get('tag', ''))

  def prepareDeleteMessage(self, activity_tool, m):
    # Erase all messages in a single transaction
    #LOG("prepareDeleteMessage", 0, str(m.__dict__))
    activity_tool.SQLQueue_delMessage(uid = [m.uid])

  def dequeueMessage(self, activity_tool, processing_node):
    readMessage = getattr(activity_tool, 'SQLQueue_readMessage', None)
    if readMessage is None:
      return 1

    # XXX: arbitrary maximum delay.
    # Stop processing new messages if processing duration exceeds 10 seconds.
    activity_stop_time = time() + 10
    now_date = DateTime()
    # Next processing date in case of error
    next_processing_date = now_date + float(VALIDATION_ERROR_DELAY)/86400
    message_list = readMessage(processing_node=processing_node, to_date=now_date)
    for line in message_list:
      if time() > activity_stop_time:
      path = line.path
      method_id = line.method_id
      # Make sure message can not be processed anylonger
      get_transaction().commit() # Release locks before starting a potentially long calculation

      # At this point, the message is marked as processed.
        m = self.loadMessage(line.message)
        # Make sure object exists
        validation_state = m.validate(self, activity_tool, check_order_validation=0)
        if validation_state is not VALID:
          if line.priority > MAX_PRIORITY:
            # This is an error.
            # Assign message back to 'error' state.
            get_transaction().commit()                                        # and commit
            # Lower priority
            activity_tool.SQLQueue_setPriority(uid=line.uid, priority=line.priority + 1)
            get_transaction().commit() # Release locks before starting a potentially long calculation

        # Try to invoke
        activity_tool.invoke(m) # Try to invoke the message
        if m.is_executed:                                          # Make sure message could be invoked
          get_transaction().commit()                                        # If successful, commit
        # If an exception occurs, abort the transaction to minimize the impact,
        LOG('SQLQueue', WARNING, 'Could not evaluate %s on %s' % (m.method_id, path),
          # Unfortunately, database adapters may raise an exception against abort.
          LOG('SQLQueue', WARNING, 'abort failed, thus some objects may be modified accidentally')

        # An exception happens at somewhere else but invoke, so messages
        # themselves should not be delayed.
          activity_tool.SQLQueue_setPriority(uid=line.uid, date=line.date,
          LOG('SQLQueue', ERROR, 'SQLQueue.dequeueMessage raised, and cannot even set processing to zero due to an exception',

        if m.is_executed:
          activity_tool.SQLQueue_delMessage(uid=[line.uid])  # Delete it
            # If not, abort transaction and start a new one
            # Unfortunately, database adapters may raise an exception against abort.
            LOG('SQLQueue', WARNING, 'abort failed, thus some objects may be modified accidentally')

          if type(m.exc_type) is ClassType \
                  and issubclass(m.exc_type, ConflictError):
          elif line.priority > MAX_PRIORITY:
            # This is an error
                                                                              # Assign message back to 'error' state
            m.notifyUser(activity_tool)                                       # Notify Error
            # Lower priority
            activity_tool.SQLQueue_setPriority(uid=line.uid, date=next_processing_date,
                                               priority=line.priority + 1)
        LOG('SQLQueue', ERROR,
            'SQLQueue.dequeueMessage raised an exception during checking for the results of processed messages',
    get_transaction().commit() # Release locks before starting a potentially long calculation
    return len(message_list) == 0

  def hasActivity(self, activity_tool, object, **kw):
    hasMessage = getattr(activity_tool, 'SQLQueue_hasMessage', None)
    if hasMessage is not None:
      if object is not None:
        my_object_path = '/'.join(object.getPhysicalPath())
        result = hasMessage(path=my_object_path, **kw)
        if len(result) > 0:
          return result[0].message_count > 0
        return 1 # Default behaviour if no object specified is to return 1 until active_process implemented
    return 0

  def flush(self, activity_tool, object_path, invoke=0, method_id=None, commit=0, **kw):
      object_path is a tuple

      commit allows to choose mode
        - if we commit, then we make sure no locks are taken for too long
        - if we do not commit, then we can use flush in a larger transaction

      commit should in general not be used

      NOTE: commiting is very likely nonsenses here. We should just avoid to flush as much as possible
    readMessageList = getattr(activity_tool, 'SQLQueue_readMessageList', None)
    if readMessageList is not None:
      #return # Do nothing here to precent overlocking
      path = '/'.join(object_path)
      # Parse each message in registered
      for m in activity_tool.getRegisteredMessageList(self):
        if object_path == m.object_path and (method_id is None or method_id == m.method_id):
          if invoke:
            # First Validate
            validate_value = m.validate(self, activity_tool)
            if validate_value is VALID:
              activity_tool.invoke(m) # Try to invoke the message - what happens if invoke calls flushActivity ??
              if not m.is_executed:                                                 # Make sure message could be invoked
                # The message no longer exists
                raise ActivityFlushError, (
                    'Could not evaluate %s on %s' % (m.method_id , path))
            elif validate_value is INVALID_PATH:
              # The message no longer exists
              raise ActivityFlushError, (
                  'The document %s does not exist' % path)
              raise ActivityFlushError, (
                  'Could not validate %s on %s' % (m.method_id , path))
          activity_tool.unregisterMessage(self, m)
      # Parse each message in SQL queue
      result = readMessageList(path=path, method_id=method_id, processing_node=None)
      for line in result:
        path = line.path
        method_id = line.method_id
        m = self.loadMessage(line.message, uid = line.uid)
        if invoke:
          # First Validate
          validate_value = m.validate(self, activity_tool)
          if validate_value is VALID:
            activity_tool.invoke(m) # Try to invoke the message - what happens if invoke calls flushActivity ??
            if not m.is_executed:                                                 # Make sure message could be invoked
              # The message no longer exists
              raise ActivityFlushError, (
                  'Could not evaluate %s on %s' % (method_id , path))
          elif validate_value is INVALID_PATH:
            # The message no longer exists
            raise ActivityFlushError, (
                'The document %s does not exist' % path)
            raise ActivityFlushError, (
                'Could not validate %s on %s' % (m.method_id , path))

      if len(result):
        activity_tool.SQLQueue_delMessage(uid = [line.uid for line in result])

  # def start(self, activity_tool, active_process=None):
  #   uid_list = activity_tool.SQLQueue_readUidList(path=path, active_process=active_process)
  #   activity_tool.SQLQueue_assignMessage(uid = uid_list, processing_node = DISTRIBUTABLE_STATE)

  # def stop(self, activity_tool, active_process=None):
  #   uid_list = activity_tool.SQLQueue_readUidList(path=path, active_process=active_process)
  #   activity_tool.SQLQueue_assignMessage(uid = uid_list, processing_node = STOP_STATE)

  def getMessageList(self, activity_tool, processing_node=None,**kw):
    message_list = []
    readMessageList = getattr(activity_tool, 'SQLQueue_readMessageList', None)
    if readMessageList is not None:
      result = readMessageList(path=None, method_id=None, processing_node=None)
      for line in result:
        m = self.loadMessage(line.message)
        m.processing_node = line.processing_node
        m.priority = line.priority
    return message_list

  def countMessage(self, activity_tool, tag=None, path=None,
                   method_id=None, message_uid=None, **kw):
    """Return the number of messages which match the given parameters.
    if isinstance(tag, str):
      tag = [tag]
    if isinstance(path, str):
      path = [path]
    if isinstance(method_id, str):
      method_id = [method_id]
    result = activity_tool.SQLQueue_validateMessageList(method_id=method_id, 
    return result[0].uid_count

  def countMessageWithTag(self, activity_tool, value):
    """Return the number of messages which match the given tag.
    return self.countMessage(activity_tool, tag=value)

  def dumpMessageList(self, activity_tool):
    # Dump all messages in the table.
    message_list = []
    dumpMessageList = getattr(activity_tool, 'SQLQueue_dumpMessageList', None)
    if dumpMessageList is not None:
      result = dumpMessageList()
      for line in result:
        m = self.loadMessage(line.message, uid = line.uid)
    return message_list

  def distribute(self, activity_tool, node_count):
    readMessageList = getattr(activity_tool, 'SQLQueue_readMessageList', None)
    if readMessageList is not None:
      now_date = DateTime()
      result = readMessageList(path=None, method_id=None,
                               processing_node=-1, to_date=now_date)

      validation_text_dict = {'none': 1}
      message_dict = {}
      for line in result:
        message = self.loadMessage(line.message, uid=line.uid)
        message.order_validation_text = self.getOrderValidationText(message)
        self.getExecutableMessageList(activity_tool, message, message_dict,

      # XXX probably this below can be optimized by assigning multiple messages at a time.
      path_dict = {}
      assignMessage = activity_tool.SQLQueue_assignMessage
      processing_node = LAST_PROCESSING_NODE
      id_tool = activity_tool.getPortalObject().portal_ids
      for message in message_dict.itervalues():
        path = '/'.join(message.object_path)
        broadcast = message.activity_kw.get('broadcast', 0)
        if broadcast:
          # Broadcast messages must be distributed into all nodes.
          assignMessage(processing_node=1, uid=message.uid)
          if node_count > 1:
            uid_list = id_tool.generateNewLengthIdList(id_group='portal_activity_queue',
                                                       id_count=node_count - 1,
            priority = message.activity_kw.get('priority', 1)
            dumped_message = self.dumpMessage(message)
            date = message.activity_kw.get('at_date', now_date)
            tag = message.activity_kw.get('tag', '')
            for node in xrange(2, node_count+1):
          # Select a processing node. If the same path appears again, dispatch the message to
          # the same node, so that object caching is more efficient. Otherwise, apply a round
          # robin scheduling.
          node = path_dict.get(path)
          round_robin_scheduling = message.activity_kw.get('round_robin_scheduling', 0)
          if node is None:
            node = processing_node
	    if not round_robin_scheduling:
              path_dict[path] = node
            processing_node += 1
            if processing_node > node_count:
              processing_node = 1

          assignMessage(processing_node=node, uid=message.uid, broadcast=0)
          get_transaction().commit() # Release locks immediately to allow processing of messages
      LAST_PROCESSING_NODE = processing_node

  # Validation private methods
  def _validate(self, activity_tool, method_id=None, message_uid=None, path=None, tag=None):
    if isinstance(method_id, str):
      method_id = [method_id]
    if isinstance(path, str):
      path = [path]
    if isinstance(tag, str):
      tag = [tag]

    if method_id or message_uid or path or tag:
      validateMessageList = activity_tool.SQLQueue_validateMessageList
      result = validateMessageList(method_id=method_id,
      message_list = []
      for line in result:
        m = self.loadMessage(line.message,
        m.order_validation_text = self.getOrderValidationText(m)
      return message_list
      return []

  def _validate_after_method_id(self, activity_tool, message, value):
    return self._validate(activity_tool, method_id=value)

  def _validate_after_path(self, activity_tool, message, value):
    return self._validate(activity_tool, path=value)

  def _validate_after_message_uid(self, activity_tool, message, value):
    return self._validate(activity_tool, message_uid=value)

  def _validate_after_path_and_method_id(self, activity_tool, message, value):
    if not isinstance(value, (tuple, list)) or len(value) < 2:
      LOG('CMFActivity', WARNING,
          'unable to recognize value for after_path_and_method: %r' % (value,))
      return []
    return self._validate(activity_tool, path=value[0], method_id=value[1])

  def _validate_after_tag(self, activity_tool, message, value):
    return self._validate(activity_tool, tag=value)

  def _validate_after_tag_and_method_id(self, activity_tool, message, value):
    if not isinstance(value, (tuple, list)) or len(value) < 2:
      LOG('CMFActivity', WARNING,
          'unable to recognize value for after_tag_and_method_id: %r' % (value,))
      return []
    return self._validate(activity_tool, tag=value[0], method_id=value[1])

  # Required for tests (time shift)
  def timeShift(self, activity_tool, delay, processing_node = None):
      To simulate timeShift, we simply substract delay from
      all dates in SQLDict message table
    activity_tool.SQLQueue_timeShift(delay=delay, processing_node=processing_node)
