Commit 12581f15 authored by Dmitriy Zaporozhets's avatar Dmitriy Zaporozhets

Merge pull request #7473 from sodabrew/patch-1

Improve login screen when only OmniAuth providers are enabled
parents e39bf837 252ee4e7
No related merge requests found
= render 'devise/shared/signin_box'
- if signin_enabled? || ldap_enabled?
= render 'devise/shared/signin_box'
- if signup_enabled?
-# Omniauth fits between signin/ldap signin and signup and does not have a surrounding box
- if Gitlab.config.omniauth.enabled && devise_mapping.omniauthable?
= render 'devise/shared/omniauth_box'
-# Signup only makes sense if you can also sign-in
- if signin_enabled? && signup_enabled?
= render 'devise/shared/signup_box'
-# Show a message if none of the mechanisms above are enabled
- if !signin_enabled? && !ldap_enabled? && !(Gitlab.config.omniauth.enabled && devise_mapping.omniauthable?)
No authentication methods configured.
Sign in with  
- providers = additional_providers
- providers.each do |provider|
- if default_providers.include?(provider)
= link_to authbutton(provider, 32), omniauth_authorize_path(resource_name, provider)
- else
= link_to provider.to_s.titleize, omniauth_authorize_path(resource_name, provider), class: "btn"
......@@ -24,19 +24,3 @@
- elsif signin_enabled?
= render 'devise/sessions/new_base'
- else
No authentication methods configured.
- if Gitlab.config.omniauth.enabled && devise_mapping.omniauthable?
Sign in with  
- providers = additional_providers
- providers.each do |provider|
- if default_providers.include?(provider)
= link_to authbutton(provider, 32), omniauth_authorize_path(resource_name, provider)
- else
= link_to provider.to_s.titleize, omniauth_authorize_path(resource_name, provider), class: "btn"
\ No newline at end of file
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