Commit 12fe6a6f authored by Achilleas Pipinellis's avatar Achilleas Pipinellis

Merge branch 'labels-grammar' into 'master'

Fix same tiny grammar mistake as in ee

This is a tiny grammar fix that was already merged into EE

See merge request !5865
parents 57995172 2979c488
# Labels
Labels provide an easy way to categorize the issues or merge requests based on
descriptive titles like `bug`, `documentation` or any other text you feel like
it. They can have different colors, a description, and are visible throughout
descriptive titles like `bug`, `documentation` or any other text you feel like.
They can have different colors, a description, and are visible throughout
the issue tracker or inside each issue individually.
With labels, you can navigate the issue tracker and filter any bloated
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