Since 2011 a minor or major version of GitLab is released on the 22nd of every month. Patch and security releases are published when needed. New features are detailed on the [blog]( and in the [changelog](CHANGELOG). Features that will likely be in the next releases can be found on the [direction page](
## Release process documentation
-[Monthly release](, every month on the 22nd.
-[Patch release](, if there are serious regressions.
-[Security](, for security problems.
-[Master](, update process for the master branch.
The RC1 release comes with the task to update the installation and upgrade docs. Be mindful that there might already be merge requests for this on GitLab or GitHub.
### 1. Update the installation guide
1. Check if it references the correct branch `x-x-stable` (doesn't exist yet, but that is okay)
1. Check the [GitLab Shell version](/lib/tasks/gitlab/check.rake#L782)
1. Check the [Git version](/lib/tasks/gitlab/check.rake#L794)
1. There might be other changes. Ask around.
### 2. Create update guides
[Follow this guide]( to create update guides.
### 3. Code quality indicators
Make sure the code quality indicators are green / good.
-[]( on (master branch)
-[]( this button can be yellow (small updates are available) but must not be red (a security fix or an important update is available)
NOTE: This is a guide for GitLab developers. If you are trying to install GitLab
see the latest stable [installation guide](install/ and if you
are trying to upgrade, see the [upgrade guides](update).
## When to do a patch release
Patch releases are done as-needed in order to fix regressions in the current
major release that cannot or should not wait until the next major release.
What's included and when to release is at the discretion of the release manager.
## Release Procedure
### Create a patch issue
Create an issue in the GitLab CE project. Name it "Release x.y.z", tag it with
the `release` label, and assign it to the milestone of the corresponding major
Use the following template:
- Picked into respective `stable` branches:
- [ ] Merge `x-y-stable` into `x-y-stable-ee`
- [ ] release-tools: `x.y.z`
- omnibus-gitlab
- [ ] `x.y.z+ee.0`
- [ ] `x.y.z+ce.0`
- [ ] Deploy
- [ ] Add patch notice to [x.y regressions]()
- [ ] [Blog post]()
- [ ] [Tweet]()
- [ ] Add entry to
Update the issue with links to merge requests that need to be/have been picked
into the `stable` branches.
### Preparation
1. Verify that the issue can be reproduced
1. Note in the 'GitLab X.X regressions' that you will create a patch
1. Fix the issue on a feature branch, do this on the private GitLab development server
1. If it is a security issue, then assign it to the release manager and apply a 'security' label
1. Consider creating and testing workarounds
1. After the branch is merged into master, cherry pick the commit(s) into the current stable branch
1. Make sure that the build has passed and all tests are passing
1. In a separate commit in the master branch update the CHANGELOG
1. For EE, update the CHANGELOG-EE if it is EE specific fix. Otherwise, merge the stable CE branch and add to CHANGELOG-EE "Merge community edition changes for version X.X.X"
Bump all versions in stable branch, even if the changes affect only EE, CE, or CI. Since all the versions are synced now,
it doesn't make sense to say upgrade CE to 7.2, EE to 7.3 and CI to 7.1.
Create release tag and push to remotes:
bundle exec rake release["x.x.x"]
## Release
1.[Build new packages with the latest version](
1. Apply the patch to and the private GitLab development server
1. Apply the patch to and the private GitLab CI development server
1. Create and publish a blog post, see [patch release blog template](
1. Send tweets about the release from `@gitlab`, tweet should include the most important feature that the release is addressing and link to the blog post
1. Note in the 'GitLab X.X regressions' issue that the patch was published (CE only)
1. Create the 'x.y.0' version on
1.[Create new AMIs](
1. Create a new patch release issue for the next potential release
# Things to do when doing an out-of-bound security release
NOTE: This is a guide for GitLab developers. If you are trying to install GitLab see the latest stable [installation guide](install/ and if you are trying to upgrade, see the [upgrade guides](update).
## When to do a security release
Do a security release when there is a critical issue that needs to be addresses before the next monthly release. Otherwise include it in the monthly release and note there was a security fix in the release announcement.
## Security vulnerability disclosure
Please report suspected security vulnerabilities in private to <>, also see the [disclosure section on the website]( Please do NOT create publicly viewable issues for suspected security vulnerabilities.
## Release Procedure
1. Verify that the issue can be reproduced
1. Acknowledge the issue to the researcher that disclosed it
1. Inform the release manager that there needs to be a security release
1. Do the steps from [patch release document](../release/, starting with "Create an issue on private GitLab development server"
1. The MR with the security fix should get a 'security' label and be assigned to the release manager
1. Build the package for and do a deploy
1. Build the package for and do a deploy
1.[Create new AMIs](
1. Create feature branches for the blog post on and link them from the code branch
1. Merge and publish the blog posts
1. Send tweets about the release from `@gitlabhq`
1. Send out an email to [the community google mailing list](!forum/gitlabhq)
1. Post a signed copy of our complete announcement to [oss-security]( and request a CVE number. CVE is only needed for bugs that allow someone to own the server (Remote Code Execution) or access to code of projects they are not a member of.
1. Add the security researcher to the [Security Researcher Acknowledgments list](
1. Thank the security researcher in an email for their cooperation
1. Update the blog post and the CHANGELOG when we receive the CVE number
The timing of the code merge into master should be coordinated in advance.
After the merge we strive to publish the announcements within 60 minutes.
## Blog post template
XXX Security Advisory for GitLab
A recently discovered critical vulnerability in GitLab allows [unauthenticated API access|remote code execution|unauthorized access to repositories|XXX|PICKSOMETHING]. All users should update GitLab and gitlab-shell immediately. We [have|haven't|XXX|PICKSOMETHING|] heard of this vulnerability being actively exploited.
### Version affected
GitLab Community Edition XXX and lower
GitLab Enterprise Edition XXX and lower
### Fixed versions
GitLab Community Edition XXX and up
GitLab Enterprise Edition XXX and up
### Impact
On GitLab installations which use MySQL as their database backend it is possible for an attacker to assume the identity of any existing GitLab user in certain API calls. This attack can be performed by [unauthenticated|authenticated|XXX|PICKSOMETHING] users.
### Workarounds
If you are unable to upgrade you should apply the following patch and restart GitLab.
### Credit
We want to thank XXX of XXX for the responsible disclosure of this vulnerability.
## Email template
We just announced a security advisory for GitLab at XXX
Please contact us at if you have any questions.
## Tweet template
We just announced a security advisory for GitLab at XXX