Commit 8f735239 authored by Ruben Davila's avatar Ruben Davila


parent e0e62a98
......@@ -15,25 +15,9 @@ v 8.11.4
- Don't create groups for unallowed users when importing projects
- Fix issue boards leak private label names and descriptions
- Fix broken gitlab:backup:restore because of bad permissions on repo storage !6098 (Dirk Hörner)
- Remove gitorious. !5866
v 8.11.3
v 8.12.0 (unreleased)
- Add two-factor recovery endpoint to internal API !5510
- Change merge_error column from string to text type
- Add `web_url` field to issue, merge request, and snippet API objects (Ben Boeckel)
- Set path for all JavaScript cookies to honor GitLab's subdirectory setting !5627 (Mike Greiling)
- Optimistic locking for Issues and Merge Requests (title and description overriding prevention)
- Add `wiki_page_events` to project hook APIs (Ben Boeckel)
- Remove Gitorious import
- Add Sentry logging to API calls
- Automatically expand hidden discussions when accessed by a permalink !5585 (Mike Greiling)
- Added tests for diff notes
- Added 'only_allow_merge_if_build_succeeds' project setting in the API. !5930 (Duck)
- Reduce number of database queries on builds tab
- Use the default branch for displaying the project icon instead of master !5792 (Hannes Rosenögger)
- Adds response mime type to transaction metric action when it's not HTML
v 8.11.3 (unreleased)
- Allow system info page to handle case where info is unavailable
- Label list shows all issues (opened or closed) with that label
- Don't show resolve conflicts link before MR status is updated
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