Commit 8fac12c5 authored by Kamil Trzcinski's avatar Kamil Trzcinski Committed by Rémy Coutable

Fix build dependencies, when the dependency is a string

parent b6806d0c
......@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ v 8.6.0
- Fix diff image view modes (2-up, swipe, onion skin) not working (Stan Hu)
- Support Golang subpackage fetching (Stan Hu)
- Bump Capybara gem to 2.6.2 (Stan Hu)
- Fix build dependencies, when the dependency is a string
- New branch button appears on issues where applicable
- Contributions to forked projects are included in calendar
- Improve the formatting for the user page bio (Connor Shea)
......@@ -242,9 +242,9 @@ module Ci
stage_index = stages.index(job[:stage])
job[:dependencies].each do |dependency|
raise ValidationError, "#{name} job: undefined dependency: #{dependency}" unless @jobs[dependency]
raise ValidationError, "#{name} job: undefined dependency: #{dependency}" unless @jobs[dependency.to_sym]
unless stages.index(@jobs[dependency][:stage]) < stage_index
unless stages.index(@jobs[dependency.to_sym][:stage]) < stage_index
raise ValidationError, "#{name} job: dependency #{dependency} is not defined in prior stages"
......@@ -492,19 +492,19 @@ module Ci
context 'dependencies to builds' do
let(:dependencies) { [:build1, :build2] }
let(:dependencies) { ['build1', 'build2'] }
it { expect { subject }.to_not raise_error }
context 'undefined dependency' do
let(:dependencies) { [:undefined] }
let(:dependencies) { ['undefined'] }
it { expect { subject }.to raise_error(GitlabCiYamlProcessor::ValidationError, 'test1 job: undefined dependency: undefined') }
context 'dependencies to deploy' do
let(:dependencies) { [:deploy] }
let(:dependencies) { ['deploy'] }
it { expect { subject }.to raise_error(GitlabCiYamlProcessor::ValidationError, 'test1 job: dependency deploy is not defined in prior stages') }
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