Commit c39ee747 authored by Jacob Schatz's avatar Jacob Schatz

Merge branch 'calendar-activity-button-click' into 'master'

Fixed issue with calendar activity button not sending request correctly

When you click on a square it now sends the AJAX to the correct URL rather than the current URL. This was causing an issue where it would be loading the same page & inserting that into the DOM, rather than calendar activity events.

See merge request !4322
parents d59f0d90 a9785a4a
......@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ class @Calendar
.range(['#acd5f2', '#254e77'])
.domain([0, 3])
clickDay: (stamp) ->
clickDay: (stamp) =>
if @currentSelectedDate isnt
@currentSelectedDate =
formatted_date = @currentSelectedDate.getFullYear() + "-" + (@currentSelectedDate.getMonth()+1) + "-" + @currentSelectedDate.getDate()
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