Commit f40e0171 authored by Marin Jankovski's avatar Marin Jankovski

Test if markdown is rendered properly.

parent c0725188
Feature: Project markdown render
Given I sign in as a user
And I own project "Delta"
Given I visit project source page
Scenario: I browse files from master branch
Then I should see files from repository in master
And I should see rendered README which contains correct links
And I click on Gitlab API in README
Then I should see correct document rendered
Scenario: I view README in master branch
Then I should see files from repository in master
And I should see rendered README which contains correct links
And I click on Rake tasks in README
Then I should see correct directory rendered
Scenario: I navigate to doc directory to view documentation in master
And I navigate to the doc/api/README
And I see correct file rendered
And I click on users in doc/api/README
Then I should see the correct document file
Scenario: I navigate to doc directory to view user doc in master
And I navigate to the doc/api/README
And I see correct file rendered
And I click on raketasks in doc/api/README
Then I should see correct directory rendered
Scenario: I browse files from markdown branch
When I visit markdown branch
Then I should see files from repository in markdown branch
And I should see rendered README which contains correct links
And I click on Gitlab API in README
Then I should see correct document rendered for markdown branch
Scenario: I browse directory from markdown branch
When I visit markdown branch
Then I should see files from repository in markdown branch
And I should see rendered README which contains correct links
And I click on Rake tasks in README
Then I should see correct directory rendered for markdown branch
Scenario: I navigate to doc directory to view documentation in markdown branch
When I visit markdown branch
And I navigate to the doc/api/README
And I see correct file rendered in markdown branch
And I click on users in doc/api/README
Then I should see the users document file in markdown branch
Scenario: I navigate to doc directory to view user doc in markdown branch
When I visit markdown branch
And I navigate to the doc/api/README
And I see correct file rendered in markdown branch
And I click on raketasks in doc/api/README
Then I should see correct directory rendered for markdown branch
Scenario: I create a wiki page with different links
Given I go to wiki page
And I add various links to the wiki page
Then Wiki page should have added links
And I click on test link
Then I see new wiki page named test
When I go back to wiki page home
And I click on GitLab API doc link
Then I see Gitlab API document
When I go back to wiki page home
And I click on Rake tasks link
Then I see Rake tasks directory
class Spinach::Features::ProjectMarkdownRender < Spinach::FeatureSteps
include SharedAuthentication
include SharedPaths
And 'I own project "Delta"' do
@project = Project.find_by_name "Delta"
@project ||= create(:project_with_code, name: "Delta", namespace: @user.namespace) << [@user, :master]
Then 'I should see files from repository in master' do
current_path.should == project_tree_path(@project, "master")
page.should have_content "Gemfile"
page.should have_content "app"
page.should have_content "README"
And 'I should see rendered README which contains correct links' do
page.should have_content "Welcome to GitLab GitLab is a free project and repository management application"
page.should have_link "GitLab API doc"
page.should have_link "GitLab API website"
page.should have_link "Rake tasks"
page.should have_link "backup and restore procedure"
And 'I click on Gitlab API in README' do
click_link "GitLab API doc"
Then 'I should see correct document rendered' do
current_path.should == project_blob_path(@project, "master/doc/api/")
page.should have_content "All API requests require authentication"
And 'I click on Rake tasks in README' do
click_link "Rake tasks"
Then 'I should see correct directory rendered' do
current_path.should == project_tree_path(@project, "master/doc/raketasks")
page.should have_content ""
page.should have_content ""
And 'I navigate to the doc/api/README' do
click_link "doc"
click_link "api"
click_link ""
And 'I see correct file rendered' do
current_path.should == project_blob_path(@project, "master/doc/api/")
page.should have_content "Contents"
page.should have_link "Users"
page.should have_link "Rake tasks"
And 'I click on users in doc/api/README' do
click_link "Users"
Then 'I should see the correct document file' do
current_path.should == project_blob_path(@project, "master/doc/api/")
page.should have_content "Get a list of users."
And 'I click on raketasks in doc/api/README' do
click_link "Rake tasks"
When 'I visit markdown branch' do
visit project_tree_path(@project, "markdown")
Then 'I should see files from repository in markdown branch' do
current_path.should == project_tree_path(@project, "markdown")
page.should have_content "Gemfile"
page.should have_content "app"
page.should have_content "README"
And 'I see correct file rendered in markdown branch' do
current_path.should == project_blob_path(@project, "markdown/doc/api/")
page.should have_content "Contents"
page.should have_link "Users"
page.should have_link "Rake tasks"
Then 'I should see correct document rendered for markdown branch' do
current_path.should == project_blob_path(@project, "markdown/doc/api/")
page.should have_content "All API requests require authentication"
Then 'I should see correct directory rendered for markdown branch' do
current_path.should == project_tree_path(@project, "markdown/doc/raketasks")
page.should have_content ""
page.should have_content ""
Then 'I should see the users document file in markdown branch' do
current_path.should == project_blob_path(@project, "markdown/doc/api/")
page.should have_content "Get a list of users."
Given 'I go to wiki page' do
click_link "Wiki"
current_path.should == project_wiki_path(@project, "home")
And 'I add various links to the wiki page' do
fill_in "wiki[content]", with: "[test](test)\n[GitLab API doc](doc/api/\n[Rake tasks](doc/raketasks)\n"
fill_in "wiki[message]", with: "Adding links to wiki"
click_button "Create page"
Then 'Wiki page should have added links' do
current_path.should == project_wiki_path(@project, "home")
page.should have_content "test GitLab API doc Rake tasks"
And 'I click on test link' do
click_link "test"
Then 'I see new wiki page named test' do
current_path.should == project_wiki_path(@project, "test")
page.should have_content "Editing page"
When 'I go back to wiki page home' do
visit project_wiki_path(@project, "home")
current_path.should == project_wiki_path(@project, "home")
And 'I click on GitLab API doc link' do
click_link "GitLab API"
Then 'I see Gitlab API document' do
current_path.should == project_blob_path(@project, "master/doc/api/")
page.should have_content "Status codes"
And 'I click on Rake tasks link' do
click_link "Rake tasks"
Then 'I see Rake tasks directory' do
current_path.should == project_tree_path(@project, "master/doc/raketasks")
page.should have_content ""
page.should have_content ""
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ require 'spec_helper'
describe 'Gitlab::Satellite::MergeAction' do
before(:each) do
# TestEnv.init(mailer: false, init_repos: true, repos: true)
@master = ['master', 'bcf03b5de6c33f3869ef70d68cf06e679d1d7f9a']
@master = ['master', 'b1e6a9dbf1c85e6616497a5e7bad9143a4bd0828']
@one_after_stable = ['stable', '6ea87c47f0f8a24ae031c3fff17bc913889ecd00'] #this commit sha is one after stable
@wiki_branch = ['wiki', '635d3e09b72232b6e92a38de6cc184147e5bcb41'] #this is the commit sha where the wiki branch goes off from master
@conflicting_metior = ['metior', '313d96e42b313a0af5ab50fa233bf43e27118b3f'] #this branch conflicts with the wiki branch
......@@ -132,17 +132,17 @@ describe Project do
it "should close merge request if last commit from source branch was pushed to target branch" do
@merge_request.reloaded_commits == "bcf03b5de6c33f3869ef70d68cf06e679d1d7f9a"
project.update_merge_requests("8716fc78f3c65bbf7bcf7b574febd583bc5d2812", "bcf03b5de6c33f3869ef70d68cf06e679d1d7f9a", "refs/heads/stable", @key.user) == "b1e6a9dbf1c85e6616497a5e7bad9143a4bd0828"
project.update_merge_requests("8716fc78f3c65bbf7bcf7b574febd583bc5d2812", "b1e6a9dbf1c85e6616497a5e7bad9143a4bd0828", "refs/heads/stable", @key.user)
@merge_request.merged?.should be_true
it "should update merge request commits with new one if pushed to source branch" do
@merge_request.last_commit.should == nil
project.update_merge_requests("8716fc78f3c65bbf7bcf7b574febd583bc5d2812", "bcf03b5de6c33f3869ef70d68cf06e679d1d7f9a", "refs/heads/master", @key.user)
project.update_merge_requests("8716fc78f3c65bbf7bcf7b574febd583bc5d2812", "b1e6a9dbf1c85e6616497a5e7bad9143a4bd0828", "refs/heads/master", @key.user)
@merge_request.reload == "bcf03b5de6c33f3869ef70d68cf06e679d1d7f9a" == "b1e6a9dbf1c85e6616497a5e7bad9143a4bd0828"
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