1. 03 Aug, 2016 1 commit
    • Yorick Peterse's avatar
      Improve performance of SyntaxHighlightFilter · 038d6feb
      Yorick Peterse authored
      By using Rouge::Lexer.find instead of find_fancy() and memoizing the
      HTML formatter we can speed up the highlighting process by between 1.7
      and 1.8 times (at least when measured using synthetic benchmarks). To
      measure this I used the following benchmark:
          require 'benchmark/ips'
          input = ''
          Dir['./app/controllers/**/*.rb'].each do |controller|
            input << <<-EOF
            <pre><code class="ruby">#{File.read(controller).strip}</code></pre>
          document = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(input)
          filter = Banzai::Filter::SyntaxHighlightFilter.new(document)
          puts "Input size: #{(input.bytesize.to_f / 1024).round(2)} KB"
          Benchmark.ips do |bench|
            bench.report 'call' do
      This benchmark produces 250 KB of input. Before these changes the timing
      output would be as follows:
          Calculating -------------------------------------
                          call     1.000  i/100ms
                          call     22.439  (±35.7%) i/s -     93.000
      After these changes the output instead is as follows:
      Calculating -------------------------------------
                      call     1.000  i/100ms
                      call     41.283  (±38.8%) i/s -    148.000
      Note that due to the fairly high standard deviation and this being a
      synthetic benchmark it's entirely possible the real-world improvements
      are smaller.
  2. 02 Aug, 2016 16 commits
  3. 01 Aug, 2016 23 commits