1. 03 Jun, 2015 2 commits
    • Dmitriy Zaporozhets's avatar
    • Dmitriy Zaporozhets's avatar
      Move repository when project is removed · 97ff86e0
      Dmitriy Zaporozhets authored
      Ths commit does next:
      * When we remove project we move repository to path+deleted.git
      * Then we schedule removal of path+deleted with sidekiq
      * If repository move failed we abort project removal
      This should help us with NFS issue when project get removed but
      repository stayed. The full explanation of problem is below:
      * rm -rf project.git
      * rm -rf removes project.git/objects/foo
      * NFS server renames foo to foo.nfsXXXX because some NFS client (think
      * Unicorn) still has the file open
      * rm -rf exits, but project.git/objects/foo.nfsXXX still exists
      * Unicorn closes the file, the NFS client closes the file (foo), and the
      * NFS server removes foo.nfsXXX
      * the directory project.git/objects/ still exists => problem
      So now we move repository and even if repository removal failed
      Repository directory is moved so no bugs with project removed but
      repository directory taken. User still able to create new project with
      same name. From administrator perspective you can easily find stalled
      repositories by searching `*+deleted.git`
      Signed-off-by: default avatarDmitriy Zaporozhets <dmitriy.zaporozhets@gmail.com>
  2. 02 Jun, 2015 14 commits
  3. 01 Jun, 2015 18 commits
  4. 31 May, 2015 2 commits
  5. 29 May, 2015 4 commits